Virgo Sun – Down to Earth Living!

The Sun is in Virgo as of Wednesday August 22. Whether its your birth sign or not, we will all feel the effects of this practical, hardworking, service oriented, Mercury ruled, 6th sign of the Zodiac until September 22. While being grounded, efficient and responsible, you can make it fun and still get results. If you want to work better and/or want better work, this is an excellent time to put together the building blocks needed to create something substantial.

Beware of over analyzing, getting wrapped up in too many details (traits ascribed to the typical Virgoan). Being over critical and picky, not “seeing the forest for the trees”, suffering bouts of  “paralysis analysis” will just get in the way and slow you down from making improvements, organizing messes (large and small), and just experiencing a general solidness with both feet on the ground. Do those lovely Virgo things – be useful, make a difference, be a contribution.

Sun in Virgo August 22, 2012 – 1:07PM Eastern / 10:07AM Pacific

*Gemstone: Carnelian * Power color: Deep green


Love, Luxe, Laughter – Leo New Moon

“New” Moon in Leo on Friday – both the Sun and the Moon are in the generous, colorful sign of Leo. With the Sun as ruler, this Fire sign is all about joyous confidence. New Moons are best for creativity and beginnings.  

Use the flirty, creative vibrations natural to Leo and start a project, enroll a special someone in your life, do an awesome presentation – charm and fortune are in abundance. Depending on where Leo falls in your chart,  it may take some effort, but the “possibilities are endless” as they say. Prepare, plot, plan – go for it.

FYI: New Moon 11:54AM Eastern/ 8:54AM Pacific Friday August 17, 2012…then Virgo Moon in the evening, spotlight on health and work.

This initiating energy lasts for approx 10 days, even as the Lunar orb changes Zodiac signs. The Moon sign can just highlight what part of your life may be most in focus.


Let’s Talk! Chatty Gemini Moon All Weekend

A Gemini Moon, beginning on Friday, August 10, 2012, will have us searching for people to hear us, listen to us, or read us this weekend. Lovely Venus just moved out of this 3rd sign of the Zodiac into Cancer and the natural chatty, twittering energy of communication maven Gemini may sharpen and bite a little more than it had been since April 2012 when the loving, charming planet began its transit, so watch your tone. A snippy Twitter or FB post can grow legs and follow you around for a few days. (You’ll have to spend time next week deleting & apologizing, deleting & apologizing, deleting & apologizing…)

The urge to exchange ideas and deep thoughts, or just gossip, will be strong. Have fun, spread knowledge, teach something, learn something, enjoy the youthful energy that is particularly Gemini. 

Have a glorious weekend!


Hold On, Mercury Retrograde Almost Over!

Ok, we’re just about there. Mercury halts its backward movement (Retrograde), stops (Stations) and goes forward (Direct) again in Leo  on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Hope any snafus, malfunctions, lapses, disconnects were none too many and eventually salvageable.

In the next few days, plans should become unstuck, deals remade and printers should work again. Congratulations – we made it thru!

*Communication planet Mercury goes Direct at 10:40PM Eastern August 7/ 1:40AM Pacific August 8. Next Mercury Retrograde November 6, 2012 (in Fire sign Sagittarius)


Venus & Serena * The Golden Williams Sisters

This dynamic duo has won an amazing number of Grand Slam and Olympic titles (alone or together) over the years. These are not easy accomplishments – A Tennis player might win one event, but to pull together all of the mind and body skills needed to win power tennis tournaments repeatedly is awe inspiring (at least to me).  I still don’t think that the Williams sister’s feats of tennis magic are appreciated as much as they could be, so again I will take time out and say: CONGRATULATIONS Venus & Serena.  Well done!

*2012 Olympic Gold Medal for Serena (Singles)

*2012 Olympic Gold for Venus and Serena (Doubles)


Another Imaginative Pisces Weekend!

On Friday morning August 3, 2012, the moon gentles its way into vulnerable, sensitive, creative, often mystical Pisces. A Water sign, ruled by impressionable Neptune, the Pisces Moon may have you looking for an escape to another world by any means handy, but stay grounded, stay in body. Don’t let “feelings” overwhelm you or lose your grip on the real. Be as caring and compassionate as you wish, just don’t be taken in by any sad stories or promises too good to be true.

Sunday afternoon, we are thrust into the next Moon sign – “in your face”, high energy, high octane, fiery Aries for 2 days. Stand up for yourself, but be nice. Temper the Aries vinegar with some leftover Pisces honey.

Have a lovely weekend!


Full Moon in Zodiac Activist Aquarius 8/1/12

A Full Moon glows in the 11th sign of the Zodiac on Wednesday August 1, 2012. We will feel the influences of friendly, unconventional Aquarius more intensely than a usual 2½ day Moon transit. A stubborn, group oriented, caring sign, it is about the “We/Us” rather than the “I/Me”. 

This Air sign is ruled by unpredictable, freedom loving, change craving Uranus.  Intellectual rather emotional, the concern for others that is part of the Aquarian personality is authentic and matter of fact. Volunteer, organize a community, find a cause, leave a place better than you found it.

Full Moon: 11:27PM EDT/ 8:27PM PDT. (The Leo Sun is opposite the Aquarius Moon = Full )

As I’ve mentioned in earlier posts, at “Full” phase, the Moon is “waning”, on its way to the 3rd and 4th quarters, therefore, it is a good time to clean up and finish old projects. (The best time to create, start new things is from the beginning of a “New Moon” phase thru the 2nd quarter – “waxing”.)


Saturday, Sunday Sag Moon = Good Times!

A Sagittarius Moon from early Saturday until Sunday afternoon will have us getting out and about, seeing people, being optimistic. An enthusiastic “We can-do-anything” frame of mind is a definite trait of this good natured, Jupiter ruled Fire sign. Pay attention to any urges for travel and adventure – they can add up to a fun weekend.  

However, no matter how great the scheme sounds, awesomeness isn’t guaranteed, you still must stay grounded enough to do the research, get all the facts (an exact measurement for the Bungee drop rope is a good idea). But, it’s nice to know that the universe and lunar energy are on your side. Take advantage, take a chance – just don’t get too cocky. Pay attention to the details.

Have an upbeat, up tempo weekend!


Leo Sun 7/22/12 * Ready For Your Close up?

“Good day sunshine” as we all experience the dramatic, upbeat, Fire sign, Leo Sun for the next few weeks.

The 5th sign of the Zodiac is noted for its enthusiasm, generosity, “stick with me and great things can happen” approach. Of course it’s ruled by the Sun, therefore Leos demand rightful attention and will appreciate those that revolve around them. Take advantage and bask in all that light and warmth (I don’t mean the weather) and do “La Dolce Vita” stuff. Time to step up and step out.

“Regal” is the key word when the Sun Queen/King presence heats the talent, self confidence and flirtatious love segments of life. No need to show off. Graciously ooze that Leo charm and you will be looked at, admired, loved – just watch the imperiousness.


 Sun in Leo: July 22, 2012 –  6:01AM EDT / 3:01AM PDT

*Gemstone- Tiger’s Eye *Power colors- Gold, orange (Sun colors) * Body Part –            Heart (…of a lion!)

**BTW: The date when the Sun transits into a sign can fluctuate year to year -19, 20, 21, 23. If born on one of these days, you are considered a cusp baby – close to two signs- but regardless, there is only one Sun sign in an Astrology chart  (however, the individual will often exhibit a combo of characteristics from both signs).


Weekend Moon Vibes – Colorful & Practical

Colorful and upbeat, Friday’s Leo Moon can be a nice kickoff to the weekend. This Fire sign always adds fun, creative possibilities to life. Be kind and generous in spirit this weekend, have a good time. (The Sun will in Leo early Sunday morning) 

Saturday and Sunday changes our energy a little when the Moon moves into Earthy Virgo. Its traits of practicality and responsibility will give focus to doing what is needed. Take care of loose ends, pay attention to the details, handle your business, complete a project your been procrastinating about. Accomplishment can be soooo exciting and can make you feel soooo proud of yourself.

Whatever you do, enjoy it!