Wow, 2012 Went By So Fast!

After a night of revelry, (how many choruses of Auld Lang Syne did you sing -making up the words along the way ?), a January 1st  analytical, responsible, down to earth Virgo Moon gives us the push to start 2013 in a mood to put things in order, pay attention to the details, make some plans to fill in that blank 2013 calendar, that blank slate –  to create, to contribute, to cram full of the good things in life. Make it fun, no pressure.

Health, Peace, Joy

happy new year

Weekend Moon: Full in Cancer, Bright in Leo

Astro Moon FullThe Full Moon in the nurturing, sensitive Water sign of Cancer, on Friday December 28th, intensifies and highlights its natural traits: taking care of people, feelings and emotions being close to the surface, having your moods run you. Don’t forget to take care of yourself and your stuff. Just as a “New” Moon is best for beginning projects- starting something new, implementation of ideas – the “Full” phase (Moon opposes the Sun in the sky, as it “wanes” on its way to the 3rd and 4th quarters) is optimum for the finalization of jobs pending, deals to be done. Clearing as much as possible off your plate before 2013 arrives can only be a good thing, right? Might alleviate any perceived pressures.

Late Saturday evening, the Moon shifts into upbeat, colorful, dramatic Leo, (however, the “Full” energy remains for approximately 10 days). The weekend could be full of fun, some showing off and lots of generosity of spirit. Fire sign Leo is ruled by the Sun so a pull towards theatrics always exists – just remember that it’s not all about you (or maybe it is!).

12/28/12 – Full Moon in Cancer at 5:21 AM Eastern/ 2:21 AM Pacific

And, have a super weekend!


Weekend Moon in Sensual Taurus – Good Times!

After the fierce, feisty Aries Moon on Friday December 21, 2012, we calm down when the Lunar orb moves into earthy, solid, Venus ruled Taurus for Saturday and Sunday. It’s about sensuality, life’s beauty and pleasures, but since the second sign of the Zodiac is a “fixed” sign, it also brings forth the obstinate bull in us.  Astro New Moon Crescent

Is there such a thing as inflexible love?  Nobody wants to lose, give up/ give in, change direction. “Stickin-to-your-guns” works – until it doesn’t. Pay attention and accept when being stubborn stops getting the results wanted. Just surround yourself with good food, good people and good times as much as you can – after all, it is the holiday season.

Have a delightful weekend. Happy Holidays!



Winter is Here & So Is The Capricorn Sun!

astrology_chartwheel 2The Sun enters Capricorn on Friday December 21, 2012, and it also heralds the Winter Solstice, the official start of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere. This Earth sign, ruled by Saturn, believes in duty, responsibility, and loves being in charge. Regardless of our birthday, we may all feel some of the ambitious, “being the Boss” Capricorn energy until January 19, 2013 when the Sun moves into rebellious Aquarius.  Also, note that feisty, in your face Warrior planet Mars is visiting Capricorn until December 26, 2012. Be careful with others as you tell them what to do (Christmas tree decorating is supposed to be fun). You can be authoritative with honey, rather than vinegar.

No need to experience a letdown after all the holiday spirit. It’s the perfect time to look at what we’ve accomplished in 2012 and make plans for 2013. With Capricorn‘s affinity for work and organization, we can keep busy, accomplished and sensible. Tune up career moves, plan your networking push, determine whatever needs to be shaped up and do it. Make something happen. Just don’t get so bogged down that you become rigid and/or cautious.  Relax, remember that you have a sense of humor – use it.

Sun into Capricorn = December 21, 2012…6:12 AM EST / 3:12AM PST

*Gemstone: Obsidian, Onyx *Power color: Black, grays * Body Part: Bones

BTW:  “The Winter Solstice occurs exactly when the Earth’s axial tilt is farthest away from the sun at its maximum of 23° 26′. Though the winter solstice lasts only a moment in time, the term is also a turning point to midwinter or the first day of winter…The seasonal significance of the winter solstice is in the reversal of the gradual lengthening of nights and shortening of days.” (per WikiPedia)


About That Mayan Calendar…

There has been lots of talk regarding the Mayan Calendar and its apparent end of days date, 12.21.12.  Last week, we celebrated 12.12.12 – a date thought by many cultures to be lucky, fortunate, blessed – best day to marry, to be born, etc. This week, we have the 21st of December, 2012. A date said to denote the end of the world because the Mayan calendar, prepared around 3000 BC, ends, suddenly. Hmmmm. mayan_calendar_S

I distance myself from “Dooms Day” scenarios and align myself with those in countries such as Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador & Honduras, where there will be joyous celebrations, with fireworks, on this date. They think of the following day, 12/22/12 as a beginning of the next phase – like a “sequel”. Perhaps, an opportunity to create something different than what went before. Exciting, but certainly not an ending. As amazing as the Mayan civilization was with all its accomplishments, I just assume that at the time their calendar was prepared, 2012 seemed a very long time into the future and due to the size of the rock (tablet size constraints)on which it was carved, they may have just ran out of room. (Yes, I’m being facetious, but you follow my drift – don’t send me any nasty tweets.)

I don’t know about you, but I would prefer to celebrate 12/21/12, while acknowledging the Mayans for all they have given us, which includes the chance for the world to start over.

See ya on December 22!


Where’s the Moon This Weekend?

Friday and Saturday, it will be in charming Libra. Sunday afternoon, thru Tuesday, we’ve got intense Scorpio. Air sign Libra and Water sign Scorpio are very different in their influences on us, however, squeeze the positive out of each, even though the “tone” of the day will change. Variety can be a good thing.

Social, agreeable, partnership focused Libra. The 7th sign of the Zodiac fosters not only beauty and creativity, due to the influence of its planet ruler Venus, but also seeks a natural balance in the universe – harmony with people and harmony in the home.

Intense, emotional Scorpio will demand that you connect with others on a deep level. Ruled by powerful Pluto, this 8th  sign’s focus and determination can lead to uncovering mysteries, peeling back layers – revelations?! However, be self aware – if your speech or actions turn into drama for drama’s sake – ease up. Take a breath.  

Make your weekend charming and relevant. (It really is up to us.)


Weekend Moon – Compassionate Cancer

Arriving on Friday morning 11/30/12 and remaining until Sunday, the Moon, Water sign Cancer’s ruler, makes us sensitive and feeling vulnerable when transiting the 4th Astrology sign. Be creative, be pro active, try to keep any mood swings at bay. You can always cook something, set a pretty table. It’s the perfect outlet for all that “nurture” driven energy for which comfy, caring Cancer is noted. Domesticity has its merits – make family and friends comfortable. Make everyone feel at home.

BTW: Energy change on Sunday evening when the Moon struts into the regal sign of fiery, “Hey look at me!” Leo. There is a definite potential for drama and romance – fun. Dress up.

Enjoy your weekend!


Gemini in Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse Mode 11/28/12

It’s ruler Mercury, the Communications planet, is finally out of Retrograde motion as of 11/26 and both a Full Moon and a Lunar Eclipse occur in Air sign Gemini on Wednesday = powerful. The possibilities of clear, meaningful verbal and written exchanges while the Moon is in the third sign of the Zodiac are always with us, but with “Full” / Eclipse energy, even more so.

What do you need to say? What do you need to write?  With Gemini, interaction can be smart and clever, but now while the Luminaries are opposite each other – light from the Sagittarius Sun reflected on the Gemini Moon – it can also be purposeful, powerful and precise. Lunar Eclipses often make us rush (an urge to finish/complete) whether the urgency is real or imagined.  Take your time when finalizing communications or signing contracts. Close scrutiny and review can’t hurt if it’s important. Finish up what was started around the time of the New Moon, 11/13/12.


That Lucky, Old Sag Sun!

Are you ready for a busy, bouncy, upbeat good time? Well, that’s what we get when the Sun prances into Fire sign Sagittarius on Wednesday November 21, 2012. (The symbol for the optimistic 9th Astrology sign is the half man/ half horse Centaur – usually with a wine pouch.) Perfect, just in time for a holiday gathering. Share laughs, share food, share Sag philosophical wisdom. Spread cheer!

Fire sign Sagittarius is ruled by good luck Jupiter, planet of “BIG”- ideas, actions, themes. Aim for “controlled” excess if things lean toward going over the top. Be with people, have a travel adventure, revel in the abundance of the season. Say “YES” and expect excellent results, reach for the good things, discover something new. However, even though there may be an underlying sense of “can’t miss”, the million dollar deal is done, everything is great – be aware of the edges. Over confidence can send you too far. Don’t embarrass yourself or loved ones due to over indulgence (in anything). Have a good time, but, establish and adhere to limits.

Currently, Communication planet Mercury is Retrograde in Scorpio. It stops on 11/26 and will forward into Sagittarius by 12/11 and remains until 12/31. Clever, curious and often razor sharp, this can be good for creativity. Sag influences us to love a good laugh but also loving to go deep and ponder the universe. Teach a class, take a class, finally write something that you’ve been thinking about forever. Watch language as you share YOUR truth, no need for the snark or the snippy. Long bouts of verbal testiness is not attractive and can really smother a party 😀

*Sagittarius – November 21, 2012 4:50PM EST / 1:50PM PST

*Gem stone: Citrine, Sodalite * Power color: Lilac, Mauve * Body Part: liver , Hips

Of course, most affected will be those with a Sagittarius Sun, Rising and/or Moon sign. But, regardless of your actual birthday, always try to take advantage and benefit from the best vibrations of whichever sign the Sun is transiting. For the next 30 days, we can all share in some Sag fun.

Happy Thanksgiving! Remember your blessings.



Weekend Moon:Capricorn & Aquarius – Contribute

The Moon visits Capricorn on Friday and Saturday, then it moves into Aquarius on Sunday. Utilize wherever/whenever possible the energy of the particular sign the Lunar orb is in:

*Reliable, Saturn ruled Capricorn: Authority, ambition, organization

*Spontaneous, Uranus ruled Aquarius: Friendly, innovative, thrives in groups with a cause

This weekend, our Lunar mood influences will range from the business focused Earth sign to the people focused Air sign – work hard, be in charge and then rally volunteers for a neighborhood project? We can be flexible. Make a difference!

Earthy Capricorn and Airy Aquarius – make it work. Have a terrific weekend!