Visions, Ideas – Jot Them Down!

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lAs you know, the Moon changes signs about every 2 ½ days. A good thing, since we react to the Moon’s energy as it gets flavored by the Zodiac sign of the day- keeps life interesting.

Saturday morning April 6, 2013 starts a Pisces Moon weekend. Look for emotion, empathy, creativity, escape urges and heightened intuition. Make notes of your dreams. Be as caring and compassionate as you wish, just don’t be taken in by any promises or sad stories.

Just in time for the Final Four! Have fun and stay grounded. Betting a year’s salary may not be the best way to go 😎 .


Full Moon in Relationship Focused Libra!

Astro Moon FullThis Air sign’s Moon turns Full early on Wednesday March 27, 2013 reflecting its opposite Aries Sun. Libra Moons can make us cooperative, social with an urge to beautify both ourselves and our surroundings. Good. It will help us tune out/tone down any negative, angry voices out there (or in our heads) charm and beauty – always a good antidote. Be clear in your communications, mean what you say and act accordingly.

As I’ve mentioned in this space before, a”Full” Moon phase packs power and can give our thoughts clarity. It starts the “waning” or decreasing, of the Lunar orb, a good time to gather results or confront the useless – clean up old projects, get rid of outmoded thought patterns and  attitudes in order to clear the way for the “New” Moon on April 10, 2013.

Theatrical Leo & Practical Virgo

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lThis weekend, beginning March 22, 2013, the Moon will shift us thru different moods. It’s all good, we can handle it.

The Lunar orb is in generous, dramatic (great for actors), attention seeking, creative and full of a lion’s pride Leo on Friday and Saturday.  This fun loving Fire sign may make our weekend full of melodrama, but we will be active, upbeat, and magnanimous, which can make for a really good time.

Sunday morning changes our energy a little when the Moon moves into Earthy, service oriented Virgo. Its traits of practicality and responsibility will give focus to doing what is needed. Take care of loose ends, pay attention to the details, handle business – accomplishment is exciting and makes you feel proud J

Make it a weekend to remember!


Aries Sun & Vernal Equinox = Spring, Yay!

On Wednesday, March 20, 2013 the Sun moves into the dynamic first sign of the Tropical Zodiac – fiery Aries. The Sun has transited all 12 Astrology signs and the cycle starts anew. We also celebrate the Vernal Equinox on the same day – 1 degree of Aries. Spring is here with new, fresh chances to bloom!

Fire sign Aries’ impulsive, physical high energy can be used to springboard astrology_chartwheel 2those  ideas and projects that have been percolating all winter. Just to add to the excitement, powerful planets will be visiting Aries for the next few weeks, thereby sparking an extra oomph to this already “snap, crackle and pop” sign.

Planet ruler Mars (the Warrior planet), transiting since 3/12 will remain until 4/20/13. Speed, competition, confrontations lure us. Realize however, we can use any over abundance of aggression for accomplishment, positive action. Do something useful. Will the Love and Beauty planet Venus, in Aries until 4/15, embrace Mars and turn all that passion in another direction – it’s possible. We will certainly be more inclined to choose the “one” and zero in – could be much fun.

Mercury is in Aries too from 4/14 until 5/2/13.  Communication may have more quickness, edge and bite – you’ll be great in debates? Create powerful tweets?  (Just watch the snark.)

And last, but not least, please note that unpredictable, non conformist Uranus is transiting super octane Aries until March 2019 and wildness may occasionally break out. Sudden urges to “act” – out or up – will be hard to resist at times.  However, action with purpose and focus, rather than just because we’re bored is a good way to go. Aries is prone to rushing, risk taking and scattered energies. Think a project through and complete it.  But, don’t forget to have fun. Spring has arrived and everyone can use a little bit of controlled frolicking every once in awhile.

Aries Sun* Spring Equinox 3/20/13:  7:02 AM Eastern / 4:02 AM Pacific

*Gemstone: Garnet * Power Color: Fiery Red * Body Part: Face

FYI – March 20th is also designated as “International Astrology Day”. Always observed on the Equinox, it is a celebration of the ancient art of Astrology.

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Weekend Moon: Solid Taurus & Flexible Gemini

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lIDK what you’ve got planned for Friday March 15th, but with a grounded, earthy, Taurus Moon you could start your weekend stubborn and determined. We can use its often Bull like nature to get things done. This 2nd sign of the Zodiac, ruled by lovely Venus, also loves the sensual, so some romance, some good food are not bad to add to the agenda.

The Saturday evening Moon sends us into the fast talking, multi tasking, change loving world of Gemini for the rest of the weekend. This Air sign can be a little flighty and distracted, so think before you speak or push “send” on that email or text. Be versatile, but focused – it can work.

Regardless, whatever you get into – have a terrific weekend!

(“IDK” = “I don’t know” in text speech 🙂 Twitter & FB have been such an education!


New Moon Plus 5 Planets in Pisces – Wow!

Astro New Moon CrescentMonday’s New Moon, March 11, 2013, is in Pisces. It won’t be alone. Neptune, Mercury, Mars, Venus and the Sun are also transiting the 12th sign of the Zodiac thereby doing major amping of Piscean themes in addition to highlighting a Moon phase that spurs on beginnings and the “new”. This sensitive, dreamy, imaginative Water sign makes it a perfect time to explore the spiritual while grounding ourselves in real life. Take notes and write down suddenly vivid, technicolor  dreams, but keep a grip, don’t float away in a haze.

FYI – Mercury Retrograde ends on Sunday March 17th. The Communication planet will stop and start moving forward again. After a day or so, there will be an energy shift, things seemingly stuck in molasses will loosen and start moving. New Moon energy lasts for approximately 2 weeks, so we have time to initiate those brilliant projects we’ve been stewing over during the Retrograde period. Creativity should be on the boil.


Weekend Scorpio Moon – Passion and Mystery!

From Friday morning, 3/1/13,  until Sunday afternoon, the Moon will take residence again in the emotional Water sign of Scorpio. The 8th sign of the Zodiac often impels us to dig deeper, to peel back layers – secrets and mysteries will not  be safe. Superficial chat will not satisfy.  Astro moon-waning-crescent-l

Regardless of what is discovered, don’t take it too personally. Don’t waste too much time with an “it’s all about me” scenario. You may want to do something else a bit more constructive.  Use Scorpio’s sizzling power and fierce focus for whatever you decide is  delicious and positive.

Have an awesome weekend!


Full Moon in Practical Virgo – Be Healthy!

Astro Moon FullMonday, February 25, 2013 with all its Virgo Full Moon energy inclines us to take care of ourselves and our business. The hard working 6th sign of the Zodiac is about health, service, handling the details and getting things done. Just be careful not to do too many things at once. Juggling might be exciting and a personal test of skills, but don’t go overboard. Think “pace”.

A Full Moon is a great time to finalize whatever vitamin or diet regimen you may have been planning. The universe will support you in being healthy and whole. The influences of this Lunar phase will last for several days even when the sign changes.

*Full Moon in Earth sign Virgo 2/25/13: 3:26 PM EST / 12:26 PM PST


1st Mercury Retrograde of 2013 This Weekend!

Another “first” for 2013 – the first Mercury Retrograde period (unexpected happenings, a slowdown of actions and decisions), of the year begins Saturday February 23 until March 17, 2013. It occurs 3 times annually and this time, our Communication planet goes backward in the sensitive, imaginative, impressionable Water sign of Pisces. Mercury is not just associated with reading and writing, but is also connected to travel and transportation, education, manual dexterity, small electrical gadgets, etc. We just need to pay extra attention to the details to get thru without too many mishaps.  Astro Planet Glyphs 2

Mercury Retrograde is always a good time to make plans, complete projects and of course to exercise all those “re” actions: re evaluate, rewrite, re assess, re acquaint, re address. The retrograde period can give us time to pause and reflect, rather than jump into new schemes. Contract signings, innovations, new investments should be delayed if possible and certainly not attempted until after close scrutiny. Pisces and its planet ruler Neptune can push us far away from the real. Situations are not always clear.

However, as I always say, “life does NOT stop”. If it can’t wait and a project needs to be handled, get a grip, focus and do what needs to be done. Don’t accept any hazy solutions and then hope for the best. Avoid having your work redone due to initial carelessness or sloppy thinking.

And, let’s not forget the weekend Moon transit: The Lunar orb will be in fun, elegant, dramatic Fire sign Leo this weekend. Dress up, socialize. Have a great time!

 *2/23/13 Mercury Retrograde 4:41AM EST / 1:41 AM PST

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Pisces Sun – Sensitivity, Imagination!

astrology_chartwheel 2Monday February 18, 2013 – Sun into compassionate, dreamy, Pisces, the 12th and final sign of the Zodiac. Its a Water sign ruled by imaginative, mystical  Neptune, therefore, remember to pay attention to your dreams (jot them down). The subconscious is a treasure trove of ideas. However, if too much “feeling” leaves you unsettled and fuzzy thinking, focus to stay grounded and connected to reality. Over sensitivity to adverse energy or vibrations is no excuse to drift or evade life. Be steady, be productive, be creative – which can be great for anyone associated with the arts. Innovations regarding music, dance, theater will probably bubble to the surface faster than usual.

As always, those most affected have the Sun and/or Ascendant in the specified sign. Note that those planets transiting Pisces will add to the mix. With its ruler Neptune visiting until 2026, traits are intensified and we will probably all have our encounters with the intuitive outer planet somewhere in your chart. Neptune has a reputation for clouding the water, fading boundaries, and fostering escapism, but, all these things that make life unsettled can also enhance creativity and imagination.

Mercury, the planet of Communication, entered Pisces on February 5th and remains until April 14th. The influence on our writing and speaking can show up in different ways. “Say what you mean, mean what you say”. Being sloppy, careless or vague with interactions can cause misunderstandings. Strive for clarity.

Spread that natural Pisces kindness among family and friends. Don’t be surprised if sympathy/empathy colors your relationships – offer assistance where it is genuinely needed.

Sun in Pisces – February 18, 2013:  7:02AM EST / 4:02 AM PST

* Gemstone: Amethyst * Power color: Purple * Body Part: Feet

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