Weekend Moon: Radical Aquarius, Then Dreamy Pisces

Astro New Moon CrescentThe unpredictable, independent, Uranus ruled Aquarius Moon on Friday December 6, 2013 might give us some surprises. If that makes you nervous, imagine all the fun you can have this weekend under the influence of this unconventional Air sign. Just think thru any extreme plans that might cross your mind. There may be consequences, fallout.

Early Sunday, we will experience a more warm and fuzzy feeling with the arrival of the Neptune ruled Pisces Moon. This water sign is dreamy, sensitive and imaginative, so be sure to stay grounded and hold on to reality. However, this is a great time to be creative. (Try to remember and write down any ideas that float to the surface while dreaming.)


Optimistic Sagittarius New Moon 12/2/13

A New Moon in Sagittarius, Monday December 2, 2013, gets the month off to an upbeat start. Abundance, fun, bigger is best, far reaching ideas, etc. are all part of this Jupiter ruled Zodiac Fire sign.

Astro New Moon CrescentLaunch, create, kick-off, manifest – the New Moon is a great time to start something, especially with the positive, good luck Sag vibe. Of course success isn’t guaranteed, you still gotta do the work, but the universe and lunar energy will support you – which is nothing to sneeze at. Take advantage, work it – but, don’t get too cocky, pay attention to the details.

FYI = The Moon is “New” when it’s in the same sign as the Sun (Sun entered Sagittarius on 11/21/13). Even though the Moon will go on to another sign (Capricorn on Wednesday), the supportive “New” energy lasts for approximately 10 days. 

 *New Moon 12/2/13:  4:22 PM Pacific /  7:22 PM Eastern

Moon for the Holidays!

Most of us will have an early weekend start due to the Holiday. Below is a heads up about where the Lunar orb will be and what influences we may experience as we celebrate: Astro moon-waning-crescent-l

Thanksgiving / Hanukkah (begins Wednesday at sundown)  Moon is in relationship central Libra, so whether you will celebrate either/or (both?), this Venus ruled Air sign is perfect for social gatherings, sharing abundance, setting a beautiful table.

Weekend:  Beginning Friday evening the Moon will be in determined, focused, take no prisoners Scorpio (it’s ruled by Pluto). This can be great for scoping out sales or just corralling a significant other into a secret rendezvous. Regardless, Scorpio’s passion and Water sign emotions can be put to good use.

Enjoy your Holiday!


Weekend Fun With Creative, Playful Leo Moon!

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lBeginning Friday night, November 22, 2013, and lasting until early Sunday morning, we can look forward to another Leo Moon weekend. The 5th sign of the Zodiac can set the mood for melodrama, lively romance and flashy times. Attention must be paid!

Leo is a Sun ruled Fire sign, so there will be warmth, creativity, energy and perhaps some prideful “look at me “antics. Be out there, put yourself on people. Spread light, it’s fun.

Have a fabulous weekend!


Spontaneous, Sage Sag Sun: 11/21/13

The Sagittarius Sun hits us on Thursday, November 21, 2013. Be ready to think lucky, think large. Let’s all enjoy this 9th sign of the Zodiac’s feelings of confidence, optimism and adventure. Always coming to mind is my favorite line from “Jaws” – “we’re going to need a bigger boat.” We just don’t have enough space for all the super happenings anticipated when there is a Sag Sun. Prepare to give and receive graciously – it has lots to do with attitude.

astrology_chartwheel 2With this Fire sign, ruled by Jupiter, planet of fortune and “BIG”- ideas, actions, themes- we need to aim for controlled excess. There is this underlying sense of “can’t miss”, more is best, everything is wonderful!  Just remember to pause occasionally and look over the landscape – not only to enjoy the view, but also to realize that some of those “sure things” are not and might cost ya. Be happy, be an “of course” for abundance and excellence, reach for the good things, share your largesse, learn something new and pay attention to your intuition (Sags love a good laugh but they are also sharp, deep and can see what others don’t) but, be aware of the edges – over confidence might send you over. 

*Sagittarius – November 21, 2013   10:48 PM EST / 7:48 PM PST

*Gem stone: Citrine, Sodalite * Power color: Lilac, Mauve * Body Part: liver, Hips

BTW: The symbol for Sagittarius is the half man/ half horse Centaur – usually with a wine pouch. Perfect, just in time for a holiday gathering. Spread cheer!

(Of course, most affected will be those with a Sagittarius Sun, Rising and/or Moon sign. But, regardless of your actual birthday, ride the coattails and take advantage to benefit from the best vibrations of whichever sign the Sun is transiting. For the next 30 days, we can all share in some Sag upbeatness and fun.)

Taurus Full Moon This Weekend 11/17/13

Astro Moon FullWeekend Moon in Taurus starts Friday November 15, 2013 and this Venus ruled Earth sign’s power will be intensified during the it’s Full Moon phase early Sunday morning.  As always with a “Full”, it is a good time to finish what you’ve started. With the grounded Taurus’ focus on security and the sensual, it makes sense to complete any money dealings and/or improvements to surroundings or self. Beauty and comfort, both financial and physical, is prime.

Later, on Sunday evening, the always moving Moon reaches busy Gemini. This Air sign pushes communication of all kinds. There will be urges to read, chat and tweet (probably all at the same time).

Enjoy the weekend!


Mercury Retrograde 2013 Is Done!

Astro planet 3The final Mercury Retrograde of the year ends today 11/10/13. (We’ll worry about 2014 later.) Now we can take care of things we may have been holding off on or projects that we have been preparing for take off. It will take a few days for the communication/ transportation/ gadget planet to get up to full speed, so don’t jump off that bridge too quickly. But as Mercury moves forward, we will too – things will loosen up and flow. Yay.

Mercury Direct =  November 10, 2013 – 4:12PM Eastern/ 1:12PM Pacific


Weekend Aquarius Moon 11/8/13

Astro New Moon CrescentUse Friday and Saturday’s Aquarius Moon and take advantage of the rebellious, independent urges that this Uranus ruled, unpredictable Air sign creates to explore new places, new things, new people, new ways of thinking. The aloof and intellectual 11th sign of the Zodiac is naturally group focused and concerned with contributing to the community. Get involved.

On Sunday night, the Moon moves into sensitive, impressionable, Water sign Pisces. Don’t let “feelings” overwhelm you or lose your grip on the real. Neptune ruled Pisces is often dreamy and imaginative. Keep grounded.

Have a great weekend!

Scorpio Moon Saturday & Sunday!

Astro New Moon CrescentThe Lunar orb is in Water sign Scorpio this weekend (along with the Sun). A “New” Moon and a Solar Eclipse, on November 3, 2013, occurring in the same sign, makes the caution “hold on”, excellent advice – power and passion can go off the charts. Moderation works. Going deeper may reveal things that you don’t want to see or hear. However, New Moons are great for beginnings, initiating plans. The 8th sign of the Zodiac gives us the fire power to be focused, persistent and determined. For the next 2 weeks, seize the opportunity and go after what you want. (Just remember that Mercury Retrograde, in Scorpio, doesn’t end until 11/10/13) Have a meaningful weekend!

“Look At Me” Leo Moon This Weekend!

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lSaturday and Sunday, 10/26 & 10/27, we are treated to a Fiery Leo Moon and all that it involves. The weekend can be full of fun, largesse, a little bit of showing off and lots of regal generosity of spirit. Enjoy any festivities you find yourself in the middle of whether planned or unplanned. The 5th sign of the Zodiac is ruled by the Sun so a natural drift toward theatrics and melodrama could push thru. Take it in stride.

As you’re surrounded by lights and glittering confetti, just remember that it’s not all about you. Share the spotlight.

Have a sparkling weekend!