Moon in High Octane Aries This Weekend!

Astro New Moon CrescentFrom Saturday morning, January 24, 2015, until early Monday, the Moon will be in feisty Fire sign Aries. When the Lunar orb transits the 1st sign of the Zodiac, which is ruled by warrior planet Mars, we feel braver and more physical, more “up for anything”. Depending upon what the “anything” is, it could be the best of times or the most precarious of times.

Aries is great for energy and adventure. You won’t want to sit around for too long in one place. Take advantage of the urge for action and movement – do something exciting, do something different. However, make no rash moves, curb any “in your face”, “won’t back down” reactions. Power down occasionally so that loved ones don’t feel that they’re in the presence of a bulldozer. Have fun and be nice.

Have a dynamic weekend!

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Aquarius Sun 1/20/15 – Freedom & Revolution Rules!

The symbol for the 11th sign of the Zodiac is the “Water Bearer”, astrology_chartwheel 2it may be confusing, but Aquarius is definitely an Air sign ruled by the unpredictable, unconventional, undeniably radical planet Uranus. It’s all about independence, the resentment of all “ties that bind”, a love of sudden changes of direction and thinking “outside of the box”. What a way to start the New Year!

Aquarius has a stubborn streak. It is one of three “Fixed” signs of the Zodiac, along with Taurus and Scorpio. While the urge to stand ground and refuse to follow along are all present, give attention to another trait which is the desire to contribute to the universe in some way. Groups, other people and their causes are a natural concern for Aquarius. (It is about “We/Us” rather than “I/Me.) There is determination to resolve issues that are deemed important. Regardless of your birthday, we can all tap into those vibrations as the Sun intensifies this sign’s influences.

And, just to add some additional spice, there will be planets transiting the 11th sign: Mercury will add its cleverness and communication / networking expertise until March 12, 2015 (just remember that it will go into Retrograde motion on 1/21/15. Be clear in speech and written word when rallying your team.) Venus’ visit, until January 27, 2015, can add a calm and a sweetness to fiery rhetoric, solidifying relationships in the midst of revolutionary zeal. If you’re intent upon enrolling people into saving the world, you might as well have fun doing it.

Sun into Aquarius: January 20, 2015 = 4:44 AM EST / 1:44 AM PST

*Gemstone: Blue Tiger’s Eye *Power color: Ultramarine blue * Body Part: Ankles



Cancer Full Moon – It’s About Home!

The first Full Moon of the year occurs on Sunday, January 04, 2015 in the  sensitive, family and home focused Water sign of Cancer. As a “New” Moon is best for beginning projects- starting something new, implementation of ideas – the “Full” phase (Moon opposes the Sun in the sky, as it  “wanes” on its way to the 3rd and 4th quarters) is optimum for the finalization of projects, clearing up messes, etc. Finishing touches are best done during the last 2 weeks of Moon quarters. The cycle begins again at the next New Moon phase – January 20.  Astro Moon Full

When Cancer is involved, completing old business may have something to do with where you live – cleaning out the old, giving space to the new. Gather and give away anything no longer useful or positive in your space; whether it be things, feelings or conversations. It’s a good time to tie up any loose ends of DIY projects that just keep hanging on.

Full Moon January 4, 2015 – 11:53PM Est / 8:53 PM PST

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New Moon in Capricorn 12/21/14 – Set goals!

Astro New Moon CrescentThe same day the Sun moves into Capricorn, December 21, 2014, there will be the monthly New Moon in the same Earth sign. This Sunday, Capricorn traits will be highlighted – work, ambition, persistence. “New” energy can give us the push to start the year with plans to accomplish goals, advance a career, make space to achieve. New Moons are always full of “beginning” possibilities and with this 10th sign of the Zodiac, although not as perky and upbeat as the sign before it, Sagittarius, there is no need to slow down or get sluggish here. Capricorn can supply the pragmatism and discipline to go forward and pursue a path to success.

Even though the Moon will change signs into Aquarius on Tuesday, the influences last for about 10 days. Start something, create something, plan something.

* New Moon: 12/21/14 – 8:36 PM EST / 5:36 PM PST

Have a great weekend!


Winter Solstice / Capricorn Sun – Together Again on 12/21/14!

The Capricorn Sun on Sunday December 21, 2014, is the official start of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere and is the shortest day of the year. This Earth sign, ruled by stern Saturn, believes in duty, responsibility, and loves being in charge. Regardless of our actual birth date, we may all feel the influences of the ambitious 10th sign of the Zodiac and get a thrill directing traffic and telling people what to do. Fun for the boss, but maybe not so much for the employee? Remember to be careful with how you treat others, you can be authoritative with honey, rather than vinegar.

astrology_chartwheel 2After all the excitement and activities of the holidays, there is no need to have an energy let down. As the year’s end approaches, it’s the perfect time to look at what we’ve accomplished in 2014. With Capricorn‘s affinity for work and organization, we can keep busy, accomplished and sensible. Plan what’s next for 2015, tune up career moves, set up a networking campaign, determine whatever needs to be shaped up and do it. Make something happen. Just don’t get so bogged down that you become rigid and/or cautious. Relax, remember that you have a sense of humor – use it.

And just to make it all the more interesting, there are Planets transiting Capricorn during this time:

*Venus (Love, beauty, money) 12/11/14 – 1/3/15 – relaxing of “all or nothing” attitudes for getting ahead. Focus on financial gains?

*Mercury (Communication, travel, tech) 12/17/14 – 1/4/15– Reading/writing can become more serious. Maintain sense of humor. Reign in sharp, hurtful exchanges. Listen.

*Pluto (Rebirth, transformation) has been in Capricorn since 2008 – deep feelings, changes in career direction?, revelations, regeneration (until 2023)

**Capricorn Sun = December 21, 2014…6:03 PM EST / 3:03 PM PST

Gemstone: Obsidian, Onyx *Power color: Black, grays * Body Part: Bones

FYI:  “The Winter Solstice occurs exactly when the Earth’s axial tilt is farthest away from the sun at its maximum of 23° 26′. Though the winter solstice lasts only a moment in time, the term is also a turning point to midwinter or the first day of winter…The seasonal significance of the winter solstice is in the reversal of the gradual lengthening of nights and shortening of days.” (per WikiPedia)



Virgo Moon, Friday, Saturday & Sunday!

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lIf you haven’t already completed your holiday duties, take advantage of this detail focused Virgo Moon weekend to make your lists and check them twice. This is perfect for getting all the practical, responsible and fun stuff organized and handled.

The steady, efficient, Mercury ruled 6th sign of the Zodiac reminds us of the importance of health, nutrition, service and paying attention to the particulars. Virgo can prepare us for a guilt free “what’s next” – the very charming and social Libra Moon on Sunday night.

Have a super, productive weekend!


BTW: Saturday is 12/13/14 – I don’t know if it has any significance at all? Just thought I’d mention it  😎


Gemini Full Moon – Networking Weekend!

Astro Moon FullA Full Moon in Gemini starts off our weekend on Saturday December 6, 2014. The Luminaries are opposite each other: the Sun has been in Sagittarius since Nov 22nd and the Lunar orb is in its partner sign of Gemini. While the Moon is in the versatile 3rd sign of the Zodiac, clever verbal/ written exchanges, versatility/flexibility and the desire to travel and be with people are enhanced. As always with a “Full” phase, finish and complete any old projects hanging around. Clear out any debris to make room for what’s next.

On Sunday morning, the Moon shifts to Moon ruled, Water sign Cancer. However, Full Moon influences will remain for the next 10 days, so be prepared for the Capricorn New Moon on December 21, 2014.

* Full Moon: 12/6/14 – 7:27AM EST / 4:27AM PST

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Sagittarius New Moon This Weekend!

Astro New Moon CrescentThe Sagittarius New Moon on November 22, 2014 sets the tone for the entire weekend, both days are under the influence of the fiery, upbeat 9th sign of the Zodiac. Taking chances, seeking adventure can seem very attractive and stimulating. But, no matter how great the scheme sounds, you still must stay grounded enough to get all the facts first. (An exact measurement for the Bungee drop rope is a good idea).

Launch, create, kick-off, manifest – the New Moon is a great time to start something, especially with the positive, good luck Sag vibe. Of course success isn’t guaranteed, you still gotta do the work, but the universe and lunar energy will support you – which is nothing to sneeze at. Take advantage, work it – but, don’t get too cocky, pay attention to the details.

FYI = The Moon is “New” when it’s in the same sign as the Sun (Sun entered Sagittarius on 11/22/14, 4:38 AM EST / 1:38AM PST). Even though the Moon will go on to another sign (Capricorn on Monday), the supportive “New” energy lasts for approximately 10 days.

Have an upbeat, up tempo weekend!


*New Moon November 22, 2014 – 7:32AM EST / 4:32 AM PST

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Optimistic, Energetic, Sagacious Sag Sun, 11/22/14

That lucky old Sun bounces into Sagittarius on Saturday November 22, 2014. Ruled by “more is always best” planet Jupiter, this time of year is about livin’ large, taking chances, everything is great, the million dollar deal is done, “BIG”- ideas, actions, themes. All of this can can be full of adventure and great fun, but aim for “controlled” excess if things seem to be going over the top.

astrology_chartwheel 2Adding to festivities are transiting planets Mercury and Venus:

Venus (11/16 – 12/10/14) = the planet of love, beauty and grace. The effects of Venus’s pleasure principle can be enhanced and intensified while in Sagittarius. Social networking, flirting, charming encounters are all possible now.

Mercury (11/28 – 12/17/14) = Communication focused, clever, curious and often razor sharp, this planet visit can be great for creativity, sharing knowledge. Teach class, take a class, finally write something that you’ve been thinking about forever. However, watch language as you share YOUR views, no need for the snark or the snippy. Long bouts of verbal testiness is not attractive and can really smother a party.

A Sagittarius Sun wants us to be happy, to be with people, to revel in the abundance of the season. Be an “of course” for abundance, reach for the good things, learn something new, pay attention to your intuition (Sags love a good laugh but they are also wise and can see truth that others don’t) but, just be aware of the edges.

Of course, most affected will be those with a Sagittarius Sun, Ascendant and/or Moon sign. But, regardless of your actual birthday, always try to take advantage and benefit from the best vibrations of whichever sign the Sun is transiting. For the next 30 days, we can all share in some Sag fun.

BTW: The symbol for Sagittarius is the Centaur – half man/ half horse, usually with a wine pouch. Perfect – just in time for a holiday gathering. Spread cheer!

*Sagittarius – November 22, 2014 4:38 AM EST / 1:38AM PST

*Gem stone: sodalite, * Power color: Lilac, Mauve * Body Part: liver, Hips

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Virgo Moon This Weekend – Details. Details!

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lSaturday and Sunday, 15 & 16th of November, 2014, the Moon will be in Virgo the 6th sign of the Zodiac. There is a mood shift from the playful, sunny, “I” oriented Leo Moon of the last few days into the dutiful, service and work oriented Earth sign Virgo. Well, it won’t be sequins and glitter, but, we will be useful and organized. Make the most of it.

You may notice an inclination to analyze, to focus on the small stuff, no matter how tiny. (This might be an irritant to others, but things will get done – correctly!) So, write those “to do” lists, re caulk the bath tub, work hard, be industrious. Your mind will be sharp and no detail will be missed. Just try not to be too fussy or critical – after all it is the weekend 🙂


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