Libra Full Moon On Saturday

Astro Moon FullA Full Moon will be in classy Libra on April 4, 2015. This Air sign is ruled by the lovely Venus and hopefully this will make us more inclined to cooperate with partners, seek balance in negotiations, and remain calm during deliberations.

A great time to do all of the above while being super social, beautifying both ourselves and our surroundings at the same time. If the Libra Moon can help us tune out / tone down any negative, angry voices around us (or in our heads), terrific.

And, have a great weekend!

*Full Moon in Libra: April 4, 2015 – 8:50 AM EDT / 5:05 AM PDT

FYI: As I’ve mentioned in this space before, a ”Full” Moon phase packs power and can give our thoughts clarity. It starts the “waning” or decreasing, of the Lunar orb, a good time to gather results or confront the useless – clean up old projects, get rid of outmoded thought patterns and  attitudes in order to clear the way for the next “New” Moon in 2 weeks.


Weekend: Nurturing Cancer / Glamorous Leo

All day Friday March 27, 2015, until late Saturday evening, the Moon is comfortable in the sign it rules, caring, cautious Cancer. On Sunday, the Lunar orb sparkles in light seeking, live it up Leo. The weekend is split between these very different Moon energies – make it work.

Water sign Cancer brings feelings and emotions close to the Astro moon-waning-crescent-lsurface. Moodiness could get in the way of what you might enjoy better – the care and feeding of friends, family, strays. Choose.

Life perks up as the Moon jumps into Fire sign Leo. It’s ruled by the Sun, so there is a natural pull towards “shine on me” melodrama and theatrics. It could turn into a hot mess when everyone demands their close up at the same time. Or, it could be loads of fun. Choose.

Have a great weekend!


An Aries Sun Means “Spring is Here” (Finally!)

astrology_chartwheel 2Spring (Vernal Equinox) graces us on Friday March 20, 2015. It coincides with the move of the Sun into active, aggressive, adventurous Aries. In the past 12 months, the Sun has transited all 12 Zodiac signs and at 1 degree of Aries, the cycle starts anew and so can we. This is a great time for beginnings, start ups, deciding when/what to plant, etc. We should keep our eyes open for opportunities on the horizon.

Ruled by the warrior planet Mars, the influences of the first Astrology sign’s high energy can be used to springboard ideas and projects that have been percolating all winter. However, with unpredictable, non conformist planet Uranus visiting Aries until 2019, recklessness, with the often resulting scattered energies can result in waste- time, energy, money. Pay attention to those urges to just “act” (act out or act up). Action with purpose and focus, rather than just because we’re bored will work. Think projects through and complete them. 

Adding potential snap and crackle to interactions, Communication planet Mercury transits Aries from 3/31 until 4/14/15. Writing, speaking, etc. may have more quickness, edge and bite – you’ll be great in debates? Create powerful tweets? (Just watch the snark)

As always, those most affected have the Sun. Moon and/or Rising sign in Aries, but the rest of us will still feel the feisty vibes somewhere in our lives depending upon where the Fire sign appears in our chart.

Aries Sun* Spring Equinox 3/20/15: 6:45 PM Eastern / 3:45 PM Pacific

*Gemstone: Garnet * Power Color: Fiery Red * Body Part: Face

FYI – In celebration of the ancient art of Astrology, March 20th is designated as “International Astrology Day”.


Capricorn Moon – Wild Ambition!

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lOk, maybe not “wild”, but it can be intense 😉 The Capricorn Moon this weekend, March 14 and 15, 2015 can mean it’s time to be in charge, time to get things accomplished, time to work hard – all with the deliberate and dutiful movement of this Earth sign. Its serious, focused energy pushes us to step to the front, assign tasks, give directions, be The BOSS!

Ruled by Saturn, the planet of boundaries and life lessons (not always fun, but can be maturing), the 10th sign of the Zodiac has ambitious yearnings. The agenda involves managing career, creating success (whatever that means to you) and striving for the pinnacle. Are your business strategies, actions producing the results you want? Get “crackin”!

Have a productive weekend – but don’t forget to smile.


Virgo Full Moon- Think Self-Improvement

Astro Moon FullThe Lunar orb will be in the health and service oriented Earth sign Virgo on Thursday, March 5, 2015.  When the Moon (Virgo) is opposite and reflecting the Sun (Pisces), we see a glorious “Full Moon”. This responsible, hard working 6th sign of the Zodiac loves making lists, handling the details and getting things done. We can use the energy to pay more attention to taking care of ourselves and our work. (Diet, exercise, organization)

A Full Moon phase is a great time to move towards finalizing whatever project or health regimen you may have been planning. The universe will support you.

The influences of this Lunar phase will last for several days even when the sign changes.

*Virgo Full Moon: March 5, 2015 – 1:05PM EST / 10:05AM PST 

** Reminder : Daylight Savings Sunday 3/8/15 – Clocks (Spring) Forward!



Pisces Sun 2/18/15 – Imagine!

astrology_chartwheel 2Solar energy enters this compassionate, intuitive, emotional Water sign making the next few weeks a good time for our imagination to shine. Piscean characteristics are heightened, meaning the subconscious is very important. It can be great for anyone associated with the arts – new ideas for music, dance, writing might push to the surface faster than usual. Pay attention to your dreams (take notes) but remember to stay grounded and connected. Over sensitivity to adverse energy or vibrations is no excuse to drift away from reality. Be productive, be creative.

The 12th sign of the Zodiac’s planet ruler, mystical Neptune, transits the sign until 2025. We will probably notice the influences of this outer planet somewhere in our chart. Neptune has a reputation for clouding the water, fading boundaries, and fostering escapism, but, the things that make life unsettled can also enhance creativity and imagination. Use the best of it.

World peace has to start somewhere, so tap into the sympathy / empathy that Pisces is known for and spread kindness among family and friends. Use clear judgment while offering assistance where it is genuinely needed.

As always, those most affected have the Sun and/or Ascendant in the specified sign.

Sun into Pisces – February 18, 2015:  6:50 PM EST / 3:50 PM PST

* Gemstone: Amethyst * Power color: Purple * Body Part: Feet



Lovely, Lively Libra Moon This Weekend!

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lSaturday’s Libra Moon, February 7, 2015, could be the start of a weekend full of relationship possibilities – personal or business. The 7th sign of the Zodiac, is ruled by the romantic, beautifying planet Venus. With the “scale of justice” as its Astrology symbol, no surprise that cooperation and harmony are important. (Persuade someone over to your point-of-view? Find a compromise?)

Air sign Libra also fosters artistic expression, creativity, wanting to be with people and just generally expecting, and accepting, good times.

Be charming, be social – make it a beautiful weekend!



Full Moon in Leo (But, It’s Really NOT All About You)

Astro Moon FullTuesday’s Full Moon, 2/3/15, will be in dramatic, Fire sign Leo – no better way to heat up, perk up a long winter! A “Full” phase intensifies the traits of the sign it is visiting and with Sun ruled Leo, (its Zodiac symbol is the glorious Lion, King of the jungle) we feel generous, creative and get the urge to flame and sparkle while flitting across the world stage. (“Look at me!”).

So take that spotlight, wear some regal purple, be royally magnanimous to your subjects (friends and family) and have a great time. Also, use the Full Moon’s energy to finish projects begun at the time of the last New Moon (1/20/15). Its considered a fortunate time to complete things and it will last for about 10 days even as the Moon moves into practical Virgo on Wednesday.

*Full Moon: February 3, 2015 – 6:09PM EST / 3:09PM PST

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1st Mercury Retrograde Of 2015 (Until 2/11)

Just a reminder: Mercury Retrograde, which began on 1/21/15, lasts until 2/11/15. The Communication planet stopped motion and appeared to go backwards in the sky in the unpredictable, revolutionary, group oriented, Air sign of Aquarius. The areas of life affected are the usual Mercury influenced things – speaking / writing, travel, transportation, education, manual dexterity, small electrical gadgets, etc. With Aquarius, ruled by erratic, eccentric Uranus, in the mix, personal interaction misunderstandings and technical snafus are even more prone to happen. As mentioned in a previous post, some preparation can help. Back up, double check, confirm. Try to avoid disasters and mayhem with diligence and care until the winged planet goes Direct again.

Astro Planet Glyphs 2Organization is key. Copy your files now, locate the  chargers (make sure they still work for the gadgets your have), set aside extra ink for the printer, check the batteries in the pacemaker, make sure the bills are paid, etc. Don’t create problems because of carelessness.

As always, Mercury Retrograde is a good time to make future plans, complete projects and of course to exercise all those “re” actions: re evaluate, re write, re assess, re acquaint, re fresh. Take the time to pause and reflect, rather than jump into new schemes, new contracts, etc.

However, life happens regardless of what planets are doing. Be present, be aware and we will get through to the other side, again.

*1/21/15 Mercury Retrograde 10:54 AM EST / 7:54 AM PST

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