Talented & Terrific Taurus Sun – 4/19/17

The Sun moves into sensual, steady, strong, security focused Taurus on Wednesday April 19, 2017. The second sign of the Zodiac has the Bull as its symbol. Perfect! But,it is ruled by the lovely, romantic planet Venus, giving Earth sign Taurus several other dimensions. It can be practical and dependable, but it’s also a lover of beauty, good food and luxury. Loved ones are treated to poetry, music and gourmet restaurants, while getting a lecture on avoiding financial pot holes – nice mix.

The “Bull” is Taurus’ symbol for a reason – stubborn, unwavering in beliefs, holding on after others have dropped the tug rope, etc. (Just remember to “let go” when obstinacy is no longer useful). Don’t miss an opportunity due to an  unwillingness to move and / or shift. Widen vision? Take a chance? Make another step?

Taurus:  *Gemstone: Rose Quartz * Power color: Soft rose-pink* Body Part: Neck

* Sun into Taurus, Wednesday 4/19/17 – 5:27 PM EDT / 2:27 PM PDT

**As always, those most affected have the Sun and/or Rising sign in Taurus, but the rest of us will still feel the stable influences somewhere in our lives depending upon where the Earth sign appears in the birth chart.



Mercury Retrograde 4/9 in Taurus – $$$, Security

The Communication planet has been slowing down for the last few days, you may have noticed some snafu like occurrences lately. It stops and reverses direction on April 9, 2017 until May 3, 2017 when it will go forward again. The planet will retrograde in steady, pleasure loving Earth sign Taurus, the 2nd sign of the Zodiac (security, finances and business). Prepare for it. Living through a Mercury Retrograde isn’t automatically “a DISASTER!”.  

The dicy bits often happen when we need to negotiate deals, sign contacts, repair gadgets, finalize details, etc. Mercury is concerned with information, travel, education, technical gadgets and small appliances – things that help our lives go.

A backwards Mercury often means that things have to be repeated. Whatever you thought was “done” isn’t. Therefore, this is a great time to rethink, reassess, revisit, review, rewrite, etc. It is best not to sign anything for a few weeks until after the planet is in direct motion, however if you must commit, be attentive, be mindful – details, details, details. Verify, double check and confirm. Be clear in your interactions to avoid confusion.

We will get over  😉 The next Mercury Retrograde is on August 12, 2017 in Virgo, another Earth sign.




1st Day Of Spring – Sun Into Aries 3/20/17!

On Monday March 20, 2017, not only do we get to welcome the youthfulness of Spring, we also get to celebrate the Sun’s transit into Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac.

Fire sign Aries is active, aggressive and adventurous. In the past 12 months, the Sun has transited all 12 Zodiac signs and at 1 degree of Aries, the cycle starts anew and so can we. We should keep our eyes open for opportunities on the horizon.

Ruled by the warrior planet Mars, the influences of Aries’ high energy can be used to springboard ideas and projects that have been percolating all winter. However, with unpredictable, non conformist planet Uranus visiting until 2019, recklessness, with the often resulting scattered energies can result in waste – time, energy, money. Pay attention to those urges to just “act” (act out or act up). Action with purpose and focus, rather than just because we’re bored. Risk vs reckless – don’t be careless.

Adding potential snap and crackle to interactions is clever, Communication planet Mercury visiting Aries until 4/01/17. Writing, speaking, tweeting may have more quickness, bite and sarcasm then usual. No need to hurt anyone’s feelings. No one needs to go down in relationship flames.

As always, those most affected have the Sun and/or Rising sign in Aries, but the rest of us will still feel the feisty vibes somewhere in our lives depending upon where the Fire sign appears in our chart.

Aries Sun* Spring Equinox –  3/20/17  6:29 AM EDT / 3:29 AM PDT

*Gemstone: Garnet * Power Color: Fiery Red * Body Part: Head / Face

FYI – In celebration of the ancient art of Astrology, March 20th is designated as “International Astrology Day”. Cake & Champagne for all!


Weekend Highlight – Virgo Full Moon!

The Virgo Full Moon energy on Sunday March 12, 2017 inclines us to take care of ourselves and our work. Ruled by clever Mercury, this responsible, hard working 6th sign of the Zodiac is about health, service, self-improvement, handling the details and getting things done. Just be careful not to do too many things at once. Juggling might be exciting and a personal test of skills, but don’t go overboard. Think “pace”.

A Full Moon phase is a great time to move towards finalizing whatever project or diet regimen you may have been planning. The universe will support you in being healthy and contributing. Its influences will last for several days even when the Astrology sign changes to Libra.

*Virgo Full Moon: March 12, 2017 – 10:54 AM EDT /7:54 AM PDT 

(the Moon, Virgo is opposite and reflecting the Sun, Pisces = “Full Moon”.)

HEADS UP – Daylight Savings Time begins at 2AM 3/12 – Set clocks one hour ahead (Spring Forward!)




Sun into Dreamy Pisces 2/18/17!

The Sun moves into the 12th and final sign of the Zodiac– imaginative, impressionable, intuitive Pisces on Saturday, February 18, 2017. It’s a compassionate Water sign ruled by outer planet Neptune. If too much “feeling” sends you off course, focus on the tasks in front of you to stay grounded and connected to reality. Over sensitivity to adverse energy or vibrations is no excuse to drift or evade life. Stay steady, stay productive, stay connected.

Mystical Neptune, transiting Pisces until 2025, has a reputation for clouding the waters, fading boundaries and fostering escapism, but, all these things that make life unsettled can also enhance creativity and imagination. Innovations regarding music, dance and theater will probably bubble to the surface faster than usual. The subconscious can be a treasure trove of ideas now. Keep paper and pencil handy, jot down your dreams. Listen to your inner voice – the positive one.

Sun into Pisces:  Feb. 18, 2017 – 6:32 PM PST / 3:32 PM EST

* Gemstone: Amethyst * Power color: Purple * Body Part: Feet

Chance To Shine – Vibrant Leo Full Moon 2/10/17

A dramatic, fun, open and generous Leo Moon on Friday February 10, 2017 sets the tone for any potential weekend festivities.  Exciting “look at me” melodrama is always possible with the fiery 5th sign of the Zodiac and since the Lunar orb is also in its “Full” phase, lit by its opposite Sun in Aquarius, fireworks are possible. So take that spotlight if you want it, wear some regal purple, be royally magnanimous to your subjects (friends and family) and have a great time.

Leo wants us to be active, upbeat and regally charming as we use the Full Moon energy to wrap things up and bring projects to completion. This will last for about 10 days even as the Moon moves into the next sign of practical Virgo.

Enjoy the weekend!

Leo Full Moon: February 10, 2017 – 7:33 PM EST / 4:33 PM PST



Aquarius Sun 1/19/17 – Freedom, Revolution, Surprise!

The Sun entered unpredictable, freedom loving Aquarius on Thursday January 19, 2017. Other people and their causes are a natural concern for the 11th sign of the Zodiac. There may be urges to join a rally, organize a march and / or form a protest for any issues deemed important by friends, neighborhood groups, etc. Note the strong desire to contribute to the universe in some way. Regardless of your birthday, we can all tap into those vibrations as the Sun intensifies this Air sign’s influences. (It is about “We/Us” rather than “I/Me.)

On 2/7 Mercury will add its cleverness, communication and networking expertise when transiting inventive Aquarius until 2/26/17. Temper any tendencies towards sarcasm and sharpness. (Sugar better than vinegar) Be clear in speech and written word when rallying your comrades.

Don’t be surprised. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of sudden changes and unexpected events. Taking risks, being on the edge, or ledge – sounds intense, but it can be done with humor. If you’re going to spend time enrolling people into saving the world, you might as well have fun doing it.

*Sun into Aquarius: January 19, 2017 = 4:24 PM EST / 1:24 PM PST

*Gemstone: Blue Tiger’s Eye *Power color: Ultramarine blue * Body Part: Ankles

BTW: don’t get confused – even though the Astrology symbol is the “Water Bearer”, Aquarius is an Air sign!

1st Full Moon of 2017: Caring Cancer!

Thursday, January 12, 2017, is the first Full Moon of the year. A “Full” phase (Sun and Moon gloriously opposite each other) is good for the finalization of projects, clearing up messes, etc. Completing old business while the Moon is in Cancer, a family and home focused sign, may involve where you live – is it time to tie up any loose ends of DIY projects that just keep hanging on, and on? Gather and give away anything no longer useful or positive in your space; whether it be things, feelings or conversations. Make your environment as safe and secure as possible.

BTW: Other Cancer traits are also highlighted – taking care of people, feelings and emotions are on the surface (don’t let moods can run you).

*Full Moon January 12, 2017 – 6:34 AM EST /3:34 AM PST



Together * Winter Solstice & Capricorn Sun – 12/21/16!

On Wednesday December 21, 2016, Winter arrived in the Northern Hemisphere, some places more dramatically than others, but it’s the Winter Solstice nevertheless and always in tandem is the Capricorn Sun. Ambitious, efficient, grounded, practical and patient, this Earth sign is ruled by serious planet Saturn.

There’s no need to have a letdown after the very different upbeat holiday revelry most of us have been experiencing under the Sagittarius Sun. The 10th sign of the Zodiac can keep us busy networking, tuning up career moves, and organizing whatever needs to be shaped up. Make something happen. Just don’t get so bogged down in responsibilities and being “in charge” that you become rigid and cautious.  Fun can still be had!

Regardless of your birth date, we can still feel Capricorn’s influence as we reach for an upgrade in status, get a thrill directing traffic and telling people what to do and where to go. Being the “top dog” is not a burden. Being in charge is welcome – fun for the boss, but maybe not so much for the employee? Remember to be careful with how you treat others, you can be authoritative with honey, rather than vinegar.

Capricorn Sun = December 21, 2016…5:45 AM EST / 2:45 AM PST

*Gemstone: Obsidian, Onyx *Power color: Black, Gray * Body Part: Bones

FYI:  “The Winter Solstice occurs exactly when the Earth’s axial tilt is farthest away from the sun at its maximum of 23° 26′ (Shortest day / Longest night)

On 12/19/16, Final Mercury Retrograde Of The Year – Yay!

Of course there will more in 2017, April 9th is next, but for now… The 4th Mercury Retrograde for 2016 will be in an Earth sign again – Capricorn 10th sign of the Zodiac. The Communication planet has been slowing down for the last few days, you may have noticed some snafu like occurrences lately, but it stands still on December 19, 2016 – be ready for it. Pay particular attention to what concerns ambitious Capricorn. Business, status, career and authority are at the forefront. Verify, double check and / or confirm negotiations, contracts, appointments, etc. be clear in your interactions to avoid confusion.

Mercury is concerned with all types of information, but also travel, education, tech stuff and small appliances. It’s often confusion generating backward sky motion starts in reliable, conventional, efficient Capricorn and moves back into upbeat, energetic Fire sign Sagittarius on 1/5/17. Then goes Direct on 1/8/17, reaching Capricorn again on 1/13/17.

As always, my urging is to “pawz and refwesh”, (as Elmer Fudd would say): This is a great time to rethink, reassess, revisit, review, rewrite, etc. It is best not to sign anything for a few weeks until after the planet is in direct motion, however if you must commit, be attentive, be mindful.

Of course, life goes on, there are chores and plans regardless of what Mercury is doing. Retrograde chaos is not inevitable. We can mitigate potential misunderstandings by handling the details.

*Mercury Retrograde: 12/19/16  –  5:55 AM EST / 2:55 AM PST

BTW: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. However, due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it looks like a reverse motion from earth.