Toni Morrison, February 18, 1931 – August 5, 2019 *

(Originally posted in 2012)

I always get excited when Ms Morrison graces us with a new book. Just released this week, her latest is “Home”, which centers on a man’s two most life battering experiences – while a soldier during the Korean War and growing up in the South in the 50’s. 

Ms Morrison, now 81, has such a fantastical, spiritual approach to her characters and plot, but she’s also got “edge”. She can set a tone, paint a picture, capture identifiable feeling/emotion and describe events so clearly and with such poetry that it makes you laugh or, it makes you cry. There are some passages in her much acclaimed book “Beloved” that are so painful that your throat clutches and closes.  Her “truth”, cloaked in make believe, is sometimes difficult to handle – sort of a ground glass in the oatmeal type of thing. You feel it.

I think she is amazing and a real gift. “Home”, by Toni Morrison


FYI – “Beloved” won the Pulitzer Prize in 1988 and Ms Morrison was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1993.) 



Could Be Fun ~ Leo New Moon 7/31/19!

On Wednesday, July 31, 2019, the Sun is in Leo (since 7/22) and the Moon begins a transit on the same day. Both luminaries in the same sign means “New Moon”. This can be great for beginnings – take it as a sign of encouragement to start something in the next few days.

Use the often dramatic, ambitious, enthusiastic vibrations natural to the 5th sign off the Zodiac to initiate a project, enroll a special someone in your life, do a sparkling presentation or audition. Also, Leo’s solar driven joy and confidence bodes well for the opportunity to have fun with any melodrama that might ensue. (Drama doesn’t always have to be a hissy fit.)

This active, initiating energy lasts for approx 10 days until the Full Moon in Aquarius on 8/15/19 (a good time to then finalize, complete projects).

*Leo New Moon:  7/31/19 – 11:12 PM EDT / 8:12 PM PDT



Fun Is Where The Sun Is * Leo 7/22/19!

The Sun moves into Leo on Monday July 22, 2019. It rules the 5th sign of the Zodiac and we can tell regardless of our actual Astrology sign. With the influence of the “Sun King”, we are upbeat, magnanimous, a bit more dramatic, colorfully creative and drawn to the spotlight. Leo doesn’t get shyness. As the Sun struts through this regal Fire sign, the potential for having fun and drama ramps up.

Adding to the energy will be aggressive “Warrior” Mars transiting Leo from 7/2 to 8/18/19. Overly confident and perhaps impatient for attention, we may take risks. Remember, there is a difference between risk and reckless. (Check the parachute before attempting the longest free fall airplane drop in the Guinness Book of Records. Verify the distance between drop height & ground. Only preen for the close up once safely on the ground.)

Lifting the sparkle and shine experience of a Leo Sun is a Venus visit, 7/28 to 8/21/19. The planet of love brings even more warmth, beauty and love of “luxe”.

Verbal and written interactions can become livelier and sharper due to Communication planet Mercury’s Leo transit from 8/12/to 8/29/2019. Share the conversation, let someone else get a word in – it’s not all about you.

Enjoy the spotlight!

*Sun into Leo: July 22, 2019 * 10:51PM EDT / 7:51 PM PDT

**Gemstone – Tiger’s Eye *Power colors- Gold, orange (Sun colors) * Body Part – Heart (…of a lion!)

(Next up – Virgo Sun 8/23/19)

~ BTW: The date when the Sun transits into a sign can fluctuate year to year – from the 19th to the 23rd. If born on one of these days, you are considered a cusp baby – close to two signs- but regardless, there is only one Sun sign in an Astrology chart  (however, the individual will often exhibit a combo of characteristics from both signs).



21st Annual Harlem Book Fair!

The Harlem Book Fair is celebrating its 21st anniversary on Saturday July 20, 2019. As always, there will be with spoken word events, exhibit booths, music, panel discussions and children’s activities.

It’s a great way to spend a Saturday in the city.

“The vision of the Harlem Book Fair is to partner with local and national leadership organizations under the banner of literacy awareness, affirming HBF as the nation’s largest African American
literary event celebrating family literacy, community empowerment,
and community cooperation. “

Harlem Book Fair

Saturday, July 20, 2019 * 10 AM – 6 PM

West 135th Street  (Betw. Malcolm X Boulevard &

Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Boulevard) Harlem, NY



Here We Go Again ~ Mercury Retrograde 7/7 to 7/31/19


On Sunday, July 7, 2019, Mercury, the planet of communications, education, travel / transportation and small gadgets, went Retrograde in generous, expansive, theatrical Leo. Possibilities of snafus, confusion, dead batteries, mis directed messages and getting on the wrong bus, etc. are possible. However, life will go on. I just think it best to be careful about it!

Ruled by the Sun, Leo energy, sparkle and leadership is a natural, however, with backwards Mercury, waiting a few beats so that thoughts can be reviewed and organized before jumping in front of that microphone may be a good idea. We should pay attention as we speak, write, perform. Contract signings, innovations, new investments should be delayed if possible and certainly not attempted until after close scrutiny.

During its reverse transit, it will reach sensitive Cancer, the 4th sign of the Zodiac on 7/19. Mercury will go Direct (forward) again on 7/31 and move back into Leo on 8/12/19. During the Cancer visit, personal interactions may be unclear and misdirected. Be mindful of unconscious, snarky communication with family and friends, the 4th sign’s domain.

As I’ve said before in this space, Mercury Retrograde is always a good time to make plans and exercise all those “re” actions: re evaluate, rewrite, re assess, re acquaint, re address. Take time to pause and reflect – can’t hurt.

~ Mercury Retrograde:  7/7/19 * 7:15 PM EDT / 4:15 AM PDT

* FYI: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it can look like a reverse motion from earth.

(Next Mercury Retrograde will be 10/31/19 in Water sign Scorpio)

Summer Sun into Cancer, 6/21/19 ~ I Scream, U Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream!

“Summer’s here and the time is right for dancin’ in the streets”.

On Friday, June 21, 2019, the Sun brought beach umbrellas, flip flops and frozen delicious treats as it moved into the Moon ruled, 4th sign of the Zodiac – Cancer.

Along with the Cancer Sun, came the Summer Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere) – our longest day of the year.

This nurturing, caring Water sign tends to be emotional, moody, restless and sensitive, but regardless, friends and family (real or created), will be an important focus. Your own personal Astrological sign might be different, but, you can still take advantage of Cancer’s warm & comfy influences.

Communication planet Mercury will be Retrograde in Cancer from 7/19 until 8/1/19 and remains until it continues Direct into Leo on 8/12. (The complete Backward transit lasts 7/7/19 to 7/31/19.) People may be testy and super sensitive, due to misunderstandings, missed cues, etc. so be careful with what you write or speak. Seemingly innocent interactions can start out great and then escalate into a hot mess – everyone winds up feeling “wounded”.

~ Cancer Sun / Summer Solstice (Sun in 1st degree of Cancer): June 21, 2019 ~  11:54 AM EDT / 38:54 AM PDT

*Gemstone – Emerald * Power colors- silver, pale gray (Moon colors) *Body Part – Breasts

Hey! The year is already half over – what are you going to create during the rest of 2019?

Sassy, Sagacious, Spontaneous Sag Full Moon!

Time to perk up! Early Saturday morning, the Moon bounced into optimistic, jovial Sagittarius and remains until it reaches Full Moon stage on Monday 6/17/19. Get out and about, see people. Travel, adventure and risk will look sooooo  appealing.

Lucky planet Jupiter rules this Fire sign and we can all feel a bit more upbeat and energetic. With Sagittarius, we have a sense that “of course good things can happen” with a willingness to go for miracles. Take advantage of the vibe, work it – but, don’t get too cocky, pay attention to the details. Stay grounded. Stay safe.

*Full Moon in Sagittarius: June 17th, 4:31 AM EDT / 1:31 AM PDT

~ BTW: At “Full” phase, the Moon is “waning”, on its way to the 3rd and 4th quarters, therefore, it is a good time to snip loose ends, clean up and finalize old projects. (The best time to create, start, plant new things is from the beginning of a “New Moon” phase thru the 2nd quarter – “waxing”.)


Gemini Season !

On Tuesday, May 21, 2019, the Sun began its journey through the third sign of the Zodiac. It remains until Jun 21 when the Summer Solstice begins (Sun into Cancer). Gemini has the “twins” as its Astrology symbol (think Castor & Pollux) and we will want to double the fun regardless of our actual birth sign. Wanting / needing to be in 2 places at once will seem like fun, doing 2 things at the same time will be an “of course” – duality rules. Let the multi – tasking begin!

Gemini, ruled by Mercury the communication planet, urges us to interact – tweet, Facebook, text or have an old fashioned face-to-face –  in order to add variety to life and just generally perk things up. Learn something new, meet and greet, read and write, chat too much, maybe gossip too much and don’t forget travel, whether it be real or arm chair, the search for greener grass will be enticing.

Quick, clever, information maven Mercury will be transiting Gemini from 5/21/19 – 6/5/19.  Hit the pause button occasionally. Collect your thoughts, watch what you say.

Venus, planet of love and beauty, will be in Gemini from 6/9/19 to 7/4/19. It can bring out our social best and gentle some of that Gemini verbal sharpness.

~ Chopra said: “Language creates reality. Words are magical power. Speak always to create joy”. Perfect for a Gemini Sun Transit

*Gemini Sun:  May 21, 2019 – 3:59 AM EDT / 12:59 AM PDT

Gemstone: Pearl or Agate * Power Color: Yellow * Body Part: Hands


All Things Taurus: Sun & Moon!

The Sun has been in the sensual, steady, security minded Earth sign of Taurus since 4/20/19 and on Saturday 5/4/19, the Moon will transit thru this 2nd sign of the Zodiac. When both luminaries are in the same sign, the Lunar orb is in its “New” phase.

A “New Moon” heralds beginnings and is a great time to initiate projects and make changes. Re evaluate how you spend and save your money. With Taurus determination, you can still indulge yourself and your loved ones without causing a budgetary crisis. Think about it.

Have a great weekend!

*Taurus New Moon 5/4/19 ~ 6:46 EDT / 3:46 PM PDT



Sun Into Sensual, Stubborn, Security Minded Taurus! 4/20/19

The 2nd sign of the Zodiac, Taurus, has the Bull as its symbol. – for a good reason. Often unwavering in beliefs, holding on after others have dropped the tug rope, just remember to “let go” when obstinacy is no longer useful. However, it is ruled by the lovely, romantic planet Venus, giving fixed, Earth sign Taurus several other ways to go. It can make us determined, practical and dependable, but it’s also a lover of beauty, good food and luxury. Loved ones are treated to poetry, music and gourmet restaurants, while getting a lecture on avoiding financial pot holes – nice mix.

For the next few weeks we can tap into those Taurean traits of strength and determination so that we solidify and complete the projects started during the high energy of the Aries Sun. Watch out for a tendency to be overcautious – don’t miss an opportunity out of fear or an unwillingness to move. Widen vision? Take a chance? Before the “no”, take another look.

Also, Uranus, planet of unexpected change and rejection of the status quo has been in Taurus since March 2019 and will remain until 2026. Don’t be surprised if there are sudden shifts in how finances are handled, how sensuality is expressed, how food is used, and how “luxury” is considered. “Change” is the operative word.

BTW – Uranus stays about 7 years in each sign, so it can have an impact.  Closer planets, like Venus, Mercury, Mars, transit for only a few months.

~ Taurus *Gemstone: Rose Quartz * Power color: Rose-pink* Body Part: Neck

* Sun into Taurus, Saturday 4/20/19 – 4:55 AM EDT / 1:55 AM PDT

**As always, those most affected have the Sun and/or Rising sign in Taurus, but the rest of us will still feel the stable influences somewhere in our lives depending upon where the Earth sign appears in the birth chart.