If you need to get something done, start and end early on Friday June 24, 2011. The fiery, energetic, aggressive influences of Mars ruled Aries will last until 6:07 PM Eastern/ 3:07 Pacific and then the Moon goes Void of Course until Saturday afternoon. All those “lets go get’em” vibes can lose clarity and focus which can lead to lots of action, but very little finish. Wait, if you can, until the Lunar orb moves into the next sign – Taurus, 4:53PM Eastern/ 1:53PM Pacific on June 25th.
Lasting until Monday morning, the practical, stubborn Taurus Moon can assist in completing what Aries started. This Earth sign is ruled by the lovely Venus – that old saying about catching more with honey, than vinegar (something like that) can be quite effective when finalizing a deal, cajoling a signature, nailing down a commitment. Be gracious while accomplishing. Charm works!
Have a great weekend!
FYI: “Void of Course” or VC or VOC – As I’ve mentioned in this space before, “Void of Course” – means that the Moon position creates no aspects (relationships/connections) to the Sun or planets while on its way into the next sign. A Moon without “aspects”, can be a time of vagueness and doubt. The consensus among Astrologers is to “not start anything”. Finishing projects that began before the “VC” can be handled and completed, but avoid initiating during this uncertain time.