Astrology: Sun into Pragmatic Capricorn 12/21/10

The Winter Solstice coincides with the arrival of the Capricorn Sun on December 21st (6:39PM East/ 3:39PM West). This Earth sign, ruled by Saturn, is grounded, likes boundaries and loves being in charge.

Regardless of our birthday, we may all feel some ambitious, “being the Boss” Capricorn vibes until January 20, 2011 when we move into Aquarius, so please note that feisty, in your face Mars is visiting Capricorn until January 15th. Be careful with others as you tell them what to do. You can be authoritative  with honey, rather than vinegar. Watch your temper.

No need to have a system let down after all the holiday spirits. Capricorn can keep us busy, accomplished and sensible. Re-goal yourself (I made this word up), tune up career moves and organize whatever needs to be shaped up. It can be done.

BUT, don’t get bogged down by being too tight, too rigid and/or too cautious.  Relax, remember that you have a sense of humor – use it.

BTW:  “The winter solstice occurs exactly when the Earth’s axial tilt is farthest away from the sun at its maximum of 23° 26′. Though the winter solstice lasts only a moment in time, the term is also a turning point to midwinter or the first day of winter…The seasonal significance of the winter solstice is in the reversal of the gradual lengthening of nights and shortening of days.” (per WikiPedia)

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