On Friday 2/18, the 12th sign of the Zodiac got its turn to be in the Sun. Solar energy entered the Water sign Pisces – creative, intuitive, emotional – at 7:25PM Eastern/4:25PM Pacific making the next few weeks a good time to innovate… something.
Imagination and feelings, Piscean characteristics, are heightened – great for anyone associated with the arts. Ideas for new music, new dance, new writing might push to the surface faster than usual. The unconscious is very important with this Neptune ruled sign. Pay attention to your dreams as you stay grounded and stay connected. Over sensitivity to adverse energy or vibrations is no excuse to drift or try to escape. Be steady, be productive.
Spread that Pisces compassion and kindness among family and friends. Don’t be surprised that sympathy/empathy are readily on tap – offer assistance where it is genuinely needed.
And to make it even more fun, planets transiting a sign add additional energy to the mix: Mercury may sharpen Pisces communication during its visit 2/22 to 3/10, watch Mars volatility 2/23 to 4/2 and remain stable with unpredictable Uranus -which ends its long stay on 3/12 (since 2003). All 3 planets in Pisces plus the Sun is a powerful presence. Make the most of it.
As always those most affected have the Sun or Ascendant in Pisces and for the rest of us, it depends on where Pisces appears in the birth chart.
*Pisces = Gemstone: Amethyst / Power color: Purple