Astrology: Scorpio New Moon for the Weekend 11/5/10

On Friday November 5th, the Scorpio New Moon arrived at 9:52 PM Pacific Time and 12:52AM  Eastern Time on Saturday November 6th . Scorpio weekend vibes are intense since both the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign. (That’s what makes the Moon “New”)

“New” is great for beginnings, initiating plans. “New” in Water sign Scorpio gives us the fire power to be focused, persistent and determined. This is serious.  Take advantage, go for the goal – just remember to smile sometimes.

Early morning on Sunday, the Sagittarius Moon changes the mood for us. A bit more upbeat, a bit more optimistic, a bit more adventurous – you may want to do something different with that extra hour gained when Standard Time arrives?

*Remember that when Daylight Savings Time ends, we “Fall Back” an hour Sunday 11/7 at 2AM.

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