Last week, February3rd/4th, the lovely planet Venus, (ruler of Libra and Taurus) gracefully floated into the 10th sign of the Zodiac – Capricorn. This Earth sign is noted for its affinity to business – ambition, authority, practicality- ruled by boundary maven planet, Saturn.
Where does loving, romantic, social, creative Venus fit into all this? I don’t know. But, when I let my imagination run, I can envision high finance maneuvers done with a gentle nudge rather than an aggressive corporate hammer. If your workplace has been akin to a battlefield lately, the planet of love could bring harmony, a willingness to listen to another point of view. No doubt, greed will still be “good”, but maybe there will be more sharing, a generosity of spirit. Nice possibility?
However, don’t expect miracles, this will only last for a few weeks because on March 1, Venus transits into adventurous Aquarius. (Hmmm, Venus into the rebellious Air sign? – interesting, but, that’s a whole other story.)