Astrology: New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Capricorn 1/4/11

The first New Moon of 2011 happens on Tuesday January 4th. If that isn’t exciting enough, there will be a Solar Eclipse occurring on the same day in the same ambitious, career minded Earth Sign of Capricorn.

As I’ve said before, New Moons are always full of “beginning” possibilities, and with a Solar Eclipse happening also, the power to create amazing things is huge-er than usual (Yeah, I know, I’m really starting to take too many liberties with spelling and word construction).  However, Saturn, Capricorn’s planet ruler, can supply the pragmatism and discipline to go with this sign’s natural tendency to go forward and pursue a path to success.

Even though the Moon will change signs on Wednesday (Aquarius), “New” energy lasts for about 10 days giving us a chance to make some plans, formulate some strategies, start something good. Yes, Happy New Year!

BTW- Solar Eclipse: As seen from the Earth, a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, and the Moon fully or partially covers the Sun as viewed from some location on Earth. This can only happen during a new moon, when the Sun and Moon are in conjunction as seen from Earth. (per Wikipedia)

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