Astrology: Leo Full Moon,Then Weekend Moon in Virgo & Libra

Friday February 18, 2011 provides early morning mood changes. (Just in case I haven’t been clear in my weekend update Astrology posts, my premise is that as the Moon changes signs, so do our moods, our energy and often how we act/react in the day to day.) The Moon will be in “Full” power at 3:36AM Eastern/12:26AM Pacific in generous, ”let’s have fun” Fire sign Leo. A Full Moon phase is good for wrapping things up, finishing what began at the time of the New Moon. The effects will last for a few days even as the Lunar orb changes to the next sign.

About an hour later the same day, the Moon moves into service oriented, practical Virgo – from upbeat Leo to the conscientious, discriminating Earth sign – we can handle it. Take advantage of the Full phase’s continued influence by using this Mercury ruled sign’s cleverness and penchant for detail. You can get stuff done.

And finally, early on Sunday 4:39AM Eastern/1:39AM Pacific, way before Brunch time, a Libra Moon makes us social, agreeable and decorous. Have people over or meet someplace nice, make both yourself and your home attractive. There is a lot to be said for beautiful things to lift spirits and ease the settling of any disputes.

Be flexible, go with the flow, have a varied Weekend!

(BTW- the Sun doesn’t move into Pisces, the 12th sign of the Zodiac, until Friday evening 2/18 – which is why the Moon is Full in Leo while the Sun is exactly opposite in Aquarius in the morning. When the luminaries are opposite each other – the Moon is “Full”)

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