Astrology: Dramatic July 4th Weekend – New Moon & Solar Eclipse

Busy holiday weekend starts Friday 7/1. There is New Moon energy, always good for beginnings, launches, etc, in the Water sign of Cancer and at the same time, a Partial Solar Eclipse occurs – 4:54 AM Eastern/ 1:54 AM Pacific. As a result, Moon ruled Cancer’s traits may be amped up, so emotions will be very close to the surface, sensitivity heightened – “Feelings, whoa, whoa feeeeelings…”.  Be careful not to overreact if loved ones are tactless. Try to use any uncovered  vulnerability creatively, imaginatively. Feelings can be upbeat and perky, spread it around to those same impolite loved ones.

Saturday afternoon, 5:43PM Eastern /2:43PM Pacific, the Moon does a royal procession into Fire Sign Leo. The 5th sign of the Zodiac is noted for its enthusiasm, generosity, “look at me!” way of being. Of course it is ruled by the Sun and there will seem to be a general  demand for attention from friends/family and even people you don’t know. Just be kind to those that are willing to revolve around you. Bask in all that light and warmth (I don’t mean the weather) and take everyone along for some “La Dolce Vita” stuff.

Please note that communication planet Mercury will also move into Leo on 7/1, so look out for conversation stopping comments to be made and earth shaking tweets to be sent or read. This weekend could be full of drama, but still fun. Fireworks, YAY!

On Monday evening 7/4 the practical, conscientious Virgo Moon arrives (9:15PM Eastern/ 6:15PM Pacific) just in time to give us a chance to power down and get ready for back to work.

Regardless of whether you have a 1, 2, 3 day weekend, or you’re one of the lucky ones who can stretch it to 4, have a full, fun, fabulous Holiday!

FYI: The Moon is “new” when both luminaries are in the same sign -Sun entered Cancer on June 21

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