Astrology: Full Capricorn Moon With Lunar Eclipse!

On Friday evening 6/25/10, the Moon moved into authoritarian Capricorn for the entire weekend.  And today, Saturday 6/26, the Moon not only becomes “Full”, but there will also be a “Lunar Eclipse”.

I still insist that Full Moons are not the Universes way of giving us an excuse to act out/ freak out, however, a Lunar Eclipse can be intense. All that emotional Moon energy is amped to a higher level.

Since Saturn ruled Capricorn needs to be businesslike and in charge, don’t go overboard during this time. Be nice to your employees, decide on what you want to get done, what you want to accomplish and stick to it. No need to go into “Myth of Sisyphus” mode. Don’t take all the duties of the world on your shoulders. You don’t have to sign off on everything. Loosen up, stop grinding your teeth, the world is not ending (at least not this weekend).

By Monday morning the Moon will be in innovative, unpredictable Aquarius. (Unplanned events are favored.)

Full Moon: Happens when the Sun and Moon are in opposite signs (Sun/ Cancer – Moon/Capricorn)

Lunar Eclipse:  “A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes behind the earth such that the earth blocks the sun’s rays from striking the moon. This can occur only when the Sun, Earth and Moon are aligned exactly, or very closely so, with the Earth in the middle. Hence, there is always a full moon the night of a lunar eclipse.” Per Wikipedia

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