Astrology: Adventurous Sagittarius Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse, 6/15/11

Good time to finish projects, wrap up/tie up details of any outstanding issues while there is a Full Moon phase.  However, a Lunar Eclipse also occurs at the same time and in the same upbeat Fire sign of Sagittarius on Wednesday June 15th, 4:14PM Eastern/ 1:14PM Pacific. The Sun and Moon are opposite each other, reflecting their lights, and the Eclipse just adds to the power surge for the next few days. You may feel the urge to careen around, checking items off the to-do- list.

Yes, the possibilities of completing or changing things are amped, such as suddenly ending or finishing something that you may have been dithering about for awhile. But, don’t rush – think about it, ruminate and then press “go”. Decision made. Done. Whew.

Expansive, spontaneous Jupiter rules 9th sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius.  We may feel its influences thru spontaneous travel plans, the desire to break free of restrictions (real or imaginary), to share ideas. To be big in everything – optimism works.  Make the most of it, laugh, be adventurous, finish up – get ready for what’s next.

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