Astrology – Moving Planets

Last week, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and luck,  moved into the creative sign of Pisces for the next 12 months –  artistic types should have a good time. “More” is always best with this planet, so just be careful about extremes. (Draping the Empire State building in Chartreuse silk may be a bit much/ or not?)

As mentioned in a previous post, Mars is waltzing backward in the sign of Leo until March 10, 2010.  Are you feeling sluggish? Do projects, new ideas seem to be stuck in molasses? This is a good time to look over the “actions” you are planning. Think over commitments again – any fine tuning, reevaluation needed?

But, by March, the fiery planet charges forward again with all its potent energy.  Hey – we could all use some breakthroughs somewhere!

BTW: Mercury went into direct motion on January 15th.  Technical, and communication problems, attributed to this planet’s Retrograde status, should dial down.  Computer, telephone and T.V. breakdowns should be kept to a minimum. Although we should always be careful about what we say/write, signing a contract now will have fewer minefields to worry about.

It’s all good!

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