The Sun entered unpredictable, independent Aquarius on Monday January 20, 2020. Ruled by Uranus, planet of unexpected events and outrageous happenings, the 11th sign of the Zodiac is about originality, inventiveness and changes of direction.
Intellectual Aquarius has a stubborn streak (it is one of 4 “Fixed” signs of the Zodiac, along with Taurus, Scorpio and Leo). Ignoring opposition and the word “don’t”, there is a lean to gather, along with friends, neighborhood groups, etc. , at a rally, an organized march and / or form a protest for any issues deemed to be righteous. Regardless of Sun Sign, we may all feel the need to join our rebellion of choice. Just remember that the “Revolution” will be televised, tweeted and instagramed.
And, there are Planet transits:
Venus (harmony). 12/20/19 – 1/14/20 ~ can bring an upbeat tone and cheeriness to fiery rhetoric, solidifying relationships in the midst of revolutionary zeal
Mercury (Communication). 1/17 – 2/4/20 ~ adds cleverness and networking expertise. Temper any tendencies towards sarcasm and sharpness. (Sugar better than vinegar) Be clear in speech and written word when rallying your comrades.
Taking risks, being on the edge, or ledge – sounds intense, but it can be done with humor. If you’re going to spend time enrolling people into saving the world, you might as well have fun doing it.
~ Aquarius Sun: January 20, 2020 = 9:55 AM EST / 6:55 AM PST
* Gemstone: Blue Tiger’s Eye *Power color: Ultramarine blue * Body Part: Legs
BTW: don’t get confused – even though the Astrology symbol for Aquarius is the “Water Bearer”, it is an Air sign!
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