Aquarius Sun 1/20/15 – Freedom & Revolution Rules!

The symbol for the 11th sign of the Zodiac is the “Water Bearer”, astrology_chartwheel 2it may be confusing, but Aquarius is definitely an Air sign ruled by the unpredictable, unconventional, undeniably radical planet Uranus. It’s all about independence, the resentment of all “ties that bind”, a love of sudden changes of direction and thinking “outside of the box”. What a way to start the New Year!

Aquarius has a stubborn streak. It is one of three “Fixed” signs of the Zodiac, along with Taurus and Scorpio. While the urge to stand ground and refuse to follow along are all present, give attention to another trait which is the desire to contribute to the universe in some way. Groups, other people and their causes are a natural concern for Aquarius. (It is about “We/Us” rather than “I/Me.) There is determination to resolve issues that are deemed important. Regardless of your birthday, we can all tap into those vibrations as the Sun intensifies this sign’s influences.

And, just to add some additional spice, there will be planets transiting the 11th sign: Mercury will add its cleverness and communication / networking expertise until March 12, 2015 (just remember that it will go into Retrograde motion on 1/21/15. Be clear in speech and written word when rallying your team.) Venus’ visit, until January 27, 2015, can add a calm and a sweetness to fiery rhetoric, solidifying relationships in the midst of revolutionary zeal. If you’re intent upon enrolling people into saving the world, you might as well have fun doing it.

Sun into Aquarius: January 20, 2015 = 4:44 AM EST / 1:44 AM PST

*Gemstone: Blue Tiger’s Eye *Power color: Ultramarine blue * Body Part: Ankles



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