The Sun enters independent, intellectual, Air sign Aquarius on Tuesday January 19, 2021. Ruled by Uranus, the planet of unexpected events, this 11th sign of the Zodiac is also about originality and inventiveness. Not necessarily wild and crazy but definitely sudden change and out of the box thinking.
Community focused Aquarius has a stubborn streak (it is one of 4 “Fixed” signs of the Zodiac, along with Taurus, Scorpio and Leo). This determination often shows up when it involves tackling group issues. Concern for others is authentic – caring, involvement and perseverance to find resolutions to problems that touch others. Contributing to the universe is a given.
Take advantage of this energy regardless of your own Astrology sign. Fill in some of those blank calendar spaces with purposeful action – find a cause, volunteer, organize a neighborhood, leave a place better than you how found it. Enjoy people, support them, inspire and whip them into shape! Make a difference.
And just to make it all the more interesting, there are planet Transits:
Saturn ~ 12/18/20 until March 2023 – Contraction. Responsibility, restraint and discipline.
Jupiter ~ 12/ 20/20 – Dec 2021. Expansion. Bigger is better with Jupiter. Any group efforts, interests and or involvements could be intensified. Striving for independence and freedom may push boundaries.
*If Jupiter pushes towards the cliff, Saturn may prevent going over the edge.
Mercury ~ 1/9 until 3/15/21 (includes Retrograde period – 1/30 thru 2/21/21) The Communication planet ~ adds cleverness and networking expertise. Temper any tendencies towards sarcasm and sharpness. (Sugar better than vinegar) Be clear in speech and written word as you interact with others.
~ Aquarius Sun* Jan. 19, 2021 = 3:40 PM EST / 12:40 PM PST
*Gemstone: Blue Tiger’s Eye *Power color: Ultramarine blue * Body Part: Legs
BTW: don’t get confused – even though the Astrology symbol for Aquarius is the “Water Bearer”, it is an Air sign!
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