New Moon / Solar Eclipse in Taurus – Money Honey!

Astro New Moon CrescentTaurus, the 2nd sign of the Zodiac is about security, finances and what is of value to you. All those things are highlighted with the New Moon and the Solar Eclipse in this grounded Earth sign on April 28 PDT / April 29 EDT. With both luminaries in Venus ruled Taurus, (the Sun since 4/19/14) romance, beauty, creativity are also strong influences. Time for a new love, a new project, a new budget?

A “New Moon” heralds beginnings and is a great time to energize, initiate projects, make changes. Re evaluate how you spend and save your money. You can be loving and creative while managing your cash. Financial stability may allow you to still indulge yourself and your loved ones when you want without causing a budgetary crisis. Bull-like resistance to change, classic Taurus stubbornness, may not work now – look for a new way of thinking if needed.

Solar Eclipse / New Moon: 4/28 11:14PM PDT – 4/29 2:14AM EDT



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