Aries Sun & Vernal Equinox = Spring, Yay!

On Wednesday, March 20, 2013 the Sun moves into the dynamic first sign of the Tropical Zodiac – fiery Aries. The Sun has transited all 12 Astrology signs and the cycle starts anew. We also celebrate the Vernal Equinox on the same day – 1 degree of Aries. Spring is here with new, fresh chances to bloom!

Fire sign Aries’ impulsive, physical high energy can be used to springboard astrology_chartwheel 2those  ideas and projects that have been percolating all winter. Just to add to the excitement, powerful planets will be visiting Aries for the next few weeks, thereby sparking an extra oomph to this already “snap, crackle and pop” sign.

Planet ruler Mars (the Warrior planet), transiting since 3/12 will remain until 4/20/13. Speed, competition, confrontations lure us. Realize however, we can use any over abundance of aggression for accomplishment, positive action. Do something useful. Will the Love and Beauty planet Venus, in Aries until 4/15, embrace Mars and turn all that passion in another direction – it’s possible. We will certainly be more inclined to choose the “one” and zero in – could be much fun.

Mercury is in Aries too from 4/14 until 5/2/13.  Communication may have more quickness, edge and bite – you’ll be great in debates? Create powerful tweets?  (Just watch the snark.)

And last, but not least, please note that unpredictable, non conformist Uranus is transiting super octane Aries until March 2019 and wildness may occasionally break out. Sudden urges to “act” – out or up – will be hard to resist at times.  However, action with purpose and focus, rather than just because we’re bored is a good way to go. Aries is prone to rushing, risk taking and scattered energies. Think a project through and complete it.  But, don’t forget to have fun. Spring has arrived and everyone can use a little bit of controlled frolicking every once in awhile.

Aries Sun* Spring Equinox 3/20/13:  7:02 AM Eastern / 4:02 AM Pacific

*Gemstone: Garnet * Power Color: Fiery Red * Body Part: Face

FYI – March 20th is also designated as “International Astrology Day”. Always observed on the Equinox, it is a celebration of the ancient art of Astrology.

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