New Moon Plus 5 Planets in Pisces – Wow!

Astro New Moon CrescentMonday’s New Moon, March 11, 2013, is in Pisces. It won’t be alone. Neptune, Mercury, Mars, Venus and the Sun are also transiting the 12th sign of the Zodiac thereby doing major amping of Piscean themes in addition to highlighting a Moon phase that spurs on beginnings and the “new”. This sensitive, dreamy, imaginative Water sign makes it a perfect time to explore the spiritual while grounding ourselves in real life. Take notes and write down suddenly vivid, technicolor  dreams, but keep a grip, don’t float away in a haze.

FYI – Mercury Retrograde ends on Sunday March 17th. The Communication planet will stop and start moving forward again. After a day or so, there will be an energy shift, things seemingly stuck in molasses will loosen and start moving. New Moon energy lasts for approximately 2 weeks, so we have time to initiate those brilliant projects we’ve been stewing over during the Retrograde period. Creativity should be on the boil.


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