1st Mercury Retrograde Of The Year, 1/14/22!

Mercury, in Air sign Aquarius, appears to stop and go backward in the sky on Fri, Jan. 14, 2022. It will be “Retrograde” until Feb. 3, 2022. Communication planet Mercury is not just associated with reading and writing, but also with travel and transportation, education, manual dexterity and small electrical gadgets. While in reverse, technical snafus, confusion and unclear personal interactions may occur.

We can try to avoid disasters and mayhem with diligence and care until the winged planet goes Direct – verify, back up, double check, confirm.

As always, Mercury Retrograde is a good time to make future plans, complete projects and of course to exercise all those “re” actions:  re evaluate, re write, re assess, re acquaint, re fresh. Take the time to pause and reflect, rather than jump into new schemes, new contracts, etc. (Don’t forget finance / business details – catch an error and “save face”, save money.)

*1/14/22 Mercury Retrograde – 6:41 AM EST / 3:41 AM PST

FYI – when Mercury stops and goes forward, it takes time for it to pick up full speed. Give it a few days for things to clear up.



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