Final Mercury Retrograde of 2020 *~* Yay!

Mercury Retrograde began on October 13, 2020 in the sensitive, emotional, Water sign of Scorpio and reverses back into social, relationship focused, Air sign Libra where it will stop (and go Direct) on November 3, 2020 – Election Day. 

Mercury, (the planet of communications, transportation, education, gadgets, manual dexterity, etc.) moving backwards in the sky is not a “tragedy”, but it may mean break downs. Things / plans may not run smoothly or come out as expected. Back up your stuff!

Pay attention. Don’t let carelessness or lack of focus bite you in the nether regions. Don’t be surprised if memories of people, places, events of the past return to haunt, (think bad penny scenario) or even please us. Watch what you write and be conscious of what you say in order to lessen the possibility of snafus as you interact with others.

Prepare for what to do when Mercury Retrograde ends – about 2 weeks after the planet goes Direct on 11/3. My usual suggestions are: re invent, re write, re read, revisit, renew, re think. Take another look at past decisions or old projects that may have been dropped and forgotten. Does an idea deserve another chance, another go round? Was anything missed? Are there any monetary, financial accounting mishaps?

No need for us to be crazed and confused. We will get through it, again. (It happens 3 times a year.) Things will gradually become clearer as Mercury picks up speed going forward. If you can, wait before signing contracts or agreements. But, as always – details, details, details.

And I repeat – back up your stuff!

*Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio 10/13/20 – 9:05PM ET/6:05PM PT*

BTW: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it can sometimes look like a reverse motion from earth.


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