Scorpio season is upon us, the weather might be cooling down, but a Scorpio Sun brings heat and sizzle on Wednesday, October 23, 2019. Potent, powerful, persistent, and passionate OR, stubborn, secretive, sensitive and sensual – I couldn’t decide on which group of adjectives to use for the mysterious 8th sign of the Zodiac.
With Scorpio’s traditional planet ruler Mars (energy and aggression) and its modern ruler Pluto (power and transformation), being cool, being superficial – skimming the surface, in conversation or action, just won’t do. The next couple of weeks can ramp up intensity and dig deep into feelings for all of us.
Mercury, the Communication planet, transits Scorpio from 10/3 – 12/9/19. Interactions can be easily heated and more demanding than usual. Be focused and avoid unnecessary confusion and / or hurt whenever possible. (Adding to the possible drama: Mercury will be Retrograde in Scorpio from 10/31/ to 11/20/19)
Lovely, romantic Venus visits serious Scorpio from 10/9 – 11/2/2019, adding beauty and lushness to this sign’s natural sensitivity. Also, thoughts may lean toward what you value and especially how you value yourself. Pay attention.
As always, the impact of planet placements depends on where (which House) Scorpio falls in your particular chart.
We can accomplish a lot during this time using Scorpio’s power and determination. But, also remember that laughter can be used as a balm to stabilize, bring things into perspective and lighten the atmosphere.
*Gemstone: Topaz *Power color: Deep shades of red *Body Part: Reproductive system (surprise!)
~*~ Scorpio Sun 10/23/19 ~ 1:20 PM EDT– 10:20 AM PDT